The new aspiring professionals are known as "ants" because of both their eagerness to work and a willingness to cram together in poor living conditions.
That figure may be too alarmist: there are signs that urban factories are running out of migrant labour, and reports that bad working and living conditions in some cities are deterring the rural poor.
The rise in the number of cases in Cite Soleil is particularly concerning, due to its crowded living conditions, poor sanitation, and lack of access to potable water.
Because of the awfully poor living conditions, black bears will be infected with various diseases, suffering in the piercing pain until death.
Supported by a Bank loan of US$572.2 million, the program aims to improve the living conditions for eight million poor families throughout Brazil.
Persons at greatest risk are those living in rural areas where Mastomys are usually found, especially in areas of poor sanitation or crowded living conditions.
In every corner of the world, certain city dwellers suffer disproportionately from poor health, and these inequities can be traced back to differences in their social and living conditions.
Major challenges include poor living and public health conditions, largely destroyed disease monitoring and containment systems and limited access to some of the worst-hit areas.
Most of the victims are poor people who are already vulnerable because of bad living conditions, lack of access to medicine, and malnutrition.
An important function of the world health Organization is to improve the health and living conditions for the sick and the poor of the world.
The growing awareness by millions of Africans of their extremely poor and awkward living conditions has prompted them to take resolute measures and create new one.
Although Wendi later described living conditions as "very, very poor," by the standards of the day, they led a white-collar life.
He had traveled through the run-down areas of London, and saw in his own eyes the horrible living conditions of the poor.
They are known as "ants" for their willingness to work, their dirt-poor living conditions and the seeming futility of their efforts.
Tuberculosis in England was in decline before the invention of antibiotics; this was because there were less poor people in England, and living conditions were better.
As a result, the integration of poor living conditions and work pressure leads naturally to their poor health and short life-span, just as the picture shows us.
Major challenges include poor living and public health conditions, largely destroyed disease monitoring and containment systems and limited access to some of the worst - hit areas.
Although no one can be certain of the particular disastrous results, there is one thing for certain: living conditions for humans will become very poor.
Ant tribe refers to the college graduates with lower salaries and poor living conditions. It has the characteristics of high IQ, living in groups and lower social status.
The growing awareness by millions of Africans of their extremely poor and backward living conditions has prompted them to take resolute measures and create new ones.
He was a very open and positive person despite the fact he was living in poor conditions in a kind of Polish community centre, seemingly homeless.
They're known as "ants," for their willingness to work, their dirt-poor living conditions, and the seeming futility of their efforts.
Increase in the wages of the occupations in urgent need may compensate the poor living conditions in the western areas. Changes in the fact...
Increase in the wages of the occupations in urgent need may compensate the poor living conditions in the western areas. Changes in the fact...