Some studies have shown that it is easier for poorer children to rise through society in many European countries than in America.
There are promising pilot projects that attempt to tackle the urban-rural gulf: improving education for poorer children; increasing integration.
The highest priority, Sir Michael suggests, is to ensure that every child has a good start in life by concentrating on poorer children during their earliest years.
If the UK and the us have the lowest degree of social mobility it is not only because poorer children don't get the best start in life, but also because the stakes are higher.
Cole worries that rates will eventually stabilise in richer children but will continue to rise in poorer children to the point where overall rates in England will start rising again.
Both findings are puzzling, given strong international evidence that pre-school care can ease the process of starting school and improve educational results, particularly for poorer children.
The cycle continues: Poorer parents have less time and fewer resources to invest in their children, which can leave children less prepared for school and work, which leads to lower earnings.
Children in poorer families and communities are at increased risk of injury because they are less likely to benefit from prevention programmes and high quality health services.
Researchers also noted that children of diabetic mothers also tended to have poorer expressive language skills whether the kids had autism or not.
But children who lost a mother fared even worse-they were shorter, poorer and did not live as long as fatherless orphans.
It can also disrupt the structure and routine that provide a framework for young lives and is associated with poorer physical health in children.
However, the consistent emerging trend indicated that in poorer households women were either feeding their children a poor diet or skipping meals so their children could eat.
Research also show children from poorer homes are more likely to interpret a series of mock social situations as threatening.
But being overly concerned with safety appears to produce poorer relationships with children and also appears to make children less happy.
And if the children born in the poorer countries do go to school, their schools are substantially worse than those attended by children in Europe, Japan or the United States.
Much research shows that children who are undernourished tend to suffer from learning difficulties and end up poorer.
In addition, there will be 60 “schools of excellence” aimed at bright children from poorer families.
Earlier research showed that well-off, educated parents tend to talk to their children more than their poorer, less-educated peers.
In well-off countries, fewer than five percent of children under the age of five are malnourished; in poorer countries, as many as 50 percent of the children suffer from eating too little food.
The poorer partner—typically a wife bringing up children—can expect housing and many years of income, especially if she has sacrificed her career for the marriage.
Although primary education is compulsory in China, poorer families are unable to pay even the small fees required, compelling them to take their children out of school.
Children born to younger, poorer mothers were more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke.
In general, children with low birth weight had poorer lung function, appetite and motor function than normal birth-weight children, as well as being more anxious, less positive and less lively.
The poorer parents are, the harder it is for their children to receive a good education, which traps the family in a vicious circle.
Poorer health of rural population (children in particular) is related to education level of rural women.
But the loss in memory performance was only noticeable during the more difficult memory tests, she says, resulting in scores that were one-third poorer than unaffected children.
Conservative policymakers often argue that getting poorer women to marry will improve the lot of their children.
Conservative policymakers often argue that getting poorer women to marry will improve the lot of their children.