In those days most of the employed were poorly paid.
Miners and waiters count among the most poorly paid of all workers.
The members of the cooperative are poorly paid, earning about $3 a day.
They agree that better-paid graduates would pay more, and poorly paid graduates less.
An abundance of poorly paid migrants means less incentive to upgrade to a more skilled workforce.
This is partly because parents are less willing to make sacrifices for a dying and poorly paid art form.
The primary care doctors Cuba's system depends on are poorly paid, even though salaries tripled recently.
Uganda's police force is poorly paid, and junior officers often demand bribes to overlook minor traffic offences.
There are more than 40 children in this classroom. The teachers are young, generally inexperienced, and poorly paid.
Compared with the urban teachers, rural teachers are heavily burdened, poorly paid and unfairly treated in the society.
They often find themselves trying to get past bored, poorly paid guards and officials to see someone or something more important.
From my undergraduate days I remember buildings in disrepair, cheerful but poorly paid professors, and limited access to good journals.
On the one hand, Mr Bernanke is relatively poorly paid - part of a US tradition of selecting people with a vocation for public service.
Police across Latin America have a reputation for brutality, a result of poorly trained, poorly paid forces with free rein to tackle drug gang mayhem.
Classes, even at elite universities, can top 500 students and are disproportionately taught by poorly paid adjuncts and graduate students, not professors.
Finally, the economic turmoil at many big media outlets has also led to a rise in the proportion of content from poorly paid interns and freelance journalists.
Since unemployed and poorly paid workers do not provide a profitable market, the production of consumers' goods is restricted, and great hardship is the consequence.
Like most municipal police in Mexico, the Tijuana police were poorly paid, undertrained, and underequipped—when they had target practice, they had to buy their own bullets.
And its emergency staff (some of them poorly paid outside contractors) are suffering miserable conditions on-site to carry out some of the most dangerous work on the planet;
Even at the low end of expectations, it will be about HK$1 more than leading fast-food outlets often pay—a good guide to market conditions—so many poorly paid people will get a boost.
Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work.
Some research suggests that the explanation for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addiction among poorly-educated, middle-aged people is a shortage of well-paid jobs.
The alternative, he warns, is growing social pressure from a marginalized class of poorly-educated, poorly-paid workers unwilling or unable to return to the countryside.
But Peru's teachers remained ill paid, poorly motivated and barely supervised, and were rarely held to account.
For new migrants, meanwhile, poor English and weak formal education are huge barriers to work, crowding those women who do so into poorly-paid and menial jobs.
Those whose work is evaluated as good should be paid at a different rate from those who have done poorly.
Although its physiological and nutrient roles in plant are apparently minimal and poorly understood, its special ability in disease management has been paid attention by researchers and consumers.
Although its physiological and nutrient roles in plant are apparently minimal and poorly understood, its special ability in disease management has been paid attention by researchers and consumers.