Largest Pop-up Book (page 208).
On this site, you can “climb” a tree and read stories in a pop-up book about creatures such as Yagi-Chan, a goat that wears sheep’s clothing.
An interactive and digital pop-up book world, which tells the appealing story of Milla and her friends in an emotional way and encourages the user to discover Milla's world.
When anyone who has friended them on foursquare checks in at or near a location that's in the book they'll see a pop-up tip reminding them to check the book for coupons.
A cross between Zelig and Douglas Fairbanks, he seems to turn up everywhere in the last century's book of glamorous pursuits, then disappear and pop up again somewhere else.
It starts on its own without prompting and USES pop-up notifications to tell you that a message has contact information you might want stored in your address book.
Randomly set pile number, automatic count, whole book pop-up, automatic reposition, with high automatization.
Randomly set pile number, automatic count, whole book pop-up, automatic reposition, with high automatization.