When the restore is required, you will see a Message Box pop-up as shown in the figure below.
In it, a colored cloud is used to indicate the old process model version and a pop-up message box over the cloud shows the migration history of the instance, as shown in Figure 25.
A pop-up message box indicates whether the action succeeded or failed for each of the tasks.
So we’ll complicate things just a touch and create a button on the page, for which we’ll write an event handler to pop up a message box saying "Hello world", instead.
为了演示这一面,我们来做一个稍稍复杂一点的例子 :在页面上创建一个按钮,然后用一个事件处理器来响应按钮事件并弹出一个消息框显示“Hello world”字样。
The following configuration file will send an E-mail using mutt for the rain warning and pop-up a message box to the local display for 10 seconds when the rain has passed.
So if you wanted to enter a number into a spreadsheet or correct a word in an E-mail message, you had to write it in a special pop-up box, which then transferred the information to Office.
因此,如果你想在电子表格里键入数字或是修改e - mail的内容,就不得不使用专门的弹出框,才能把信息转移至Office软件。
Not only can filter the ads page, block pop-up window will pop-up box to remove the page warning box, message box...
Not only can filter the ads page, block pop-up window will pop-up box to remove the page warning box, message box...