In the message pop up window, check to see if there are any error messages, and if not, click OK.
If the text is truncated, you can hover the mouse pointer over the text and a pop up window will show you the full title text (Figure 5).
You will see a pop-up window that shows the content schematic of the selected section (Figure 20).
您将看到一个弹出窗口,显示了选定部分的内容示意图(如图20 所示)。
A pop-up window appears that shows an outline of your file.
Since it cannot be retrieved in the specified waiting period, a pop-up window informs the user about the background processing.
Finally, we may wish to change the background color of the content assistant pop-up window to differentiate it from the additional information window.
The implementation for organizational pop-up window is similar (Listing 19).
Click ok on any pop-up window that asks if it is okay to generate a reference on the mediation flow component.
Most feed readers will have some sort of notification system through a sound or pop-up window in the bottom right corner.
The attachment content is displayed in a pop-up window.
It retrieves application item data from the widget and opens a pop-up window to display the detailed data if the data has been loaded.
Move your cursor inside the pop-up window, and the window becomes scrollable (see Figure 12).
把光标移到弹出窗口中,该窗口将变为可滚动窗口(参见图 12)。
A standard reply opens the main chat window while the quick reply opens a text field in the pop-up window where you can type out your message.
Listing 2 shows the source code of this pop-up window.
Click OK in the pop-up window, and a new browser TAB opens with the report of the scan results, as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 4 shows the messaging pop-up window created when your IM agent connects to the server and begins a conversation with the defined user.
And when I hover my mouse over it, I get the pretty little pop-up window in Figure 2.
When the scan is complete, click OK in the pop-up window that tells you where to find the report.
At the end, the method brings opens a pop-up window to display the details for the employee.
Figure 12 shows an example of a pop-up window on the UI.
To do this automatically, select the diagram surface and show the Properties pop-up window.
You should see a new pop-up window containing the different parameters you defined in the parameters.xml file.
您将会看到新的,包含您在parameters . xml文件中定义的不同参数的弹出窗口。
If it's purely a formatting error in the template file, you will get an Eclipse pop-up window during build.
You can also access the Properties pop-up window by using clickable hyperlinks that simplify navigation.
Figure 1 shows the Customize Me Now Results page and an informational pop-up window.
图1展示了Customize MeNowResults页面和一个信息弹出窗口。
In the Ajax-powered pop-up window, you enter characteristics for the new component and then click OK to finalize the process.
In the left pane of the New pop-up window click Web services.
In the left pane of the New pop-up window, click Web services.
On the Install/Update pop-up window, choose the Search for new features to install option and click Next.
在Install/Update弹出窗口中,选择Searchfornewfeaturesto install选项并单击Next。
A pop-up window appears, prompting you to select a folder for the metadata import.