But the poplar tree has grows quickly, is one of Yichun area fast-growing timber wood tree seeds.
A poplar tree of hybrid origin, with sticky, aromatic, resinous buds and heart-shaped leaves, cultivated as a shade tree.
According to the Daily Mail on February 28, one retired couple of the UK found a weird image ingrained in the trunk of a poplar tree when they were chopping firewood.
For instance, the small island east of the Heavenly Water Service Center has preserved its original landscape with addition of new elements such as the poplar tree forest.
It is said that a pet dog was buried under a white poplar tree, the near 4 square meters' area was surrounded with fence, and there were flowers around the marble tombstone.
The industrial each economic indicator enhancement is remarkable, but the profession loss rate is also higher, indicates the poplar tree industry profession structure big adjustment soon starts.
This long gallery of hybridized, fast-growing poplar trees on a Californian tree farm is reminiscent of a Gothic cathedral, a structure that testifies to the human spirit's perseverance through time.
There, in the boundless desert, grows a rare variety of tree called euphrates poplar.
Camphor Tree bark rough, texture is very uniform, the spot has never mottled lighter poplar, willow and no tumor nodules.
He strolled back to the poplar, flipped the hook off the tree, and let the rope drop.
Earlier in my career, I worked in northwest China for many years. There, in the boundless desert, grows a rare variety of tree called Euphrates poplar.
Poplar has great practical and research value because it is a timber tree and a biological model tree.
Poplar is one of the main afforestation tree species in Shandong Provicne. Defining the best cutting period, afforestation density and mixed mode is the key technologies to promote biomass.
Moreover, it was carried out that tree stem forms were valued by index method analysis for each new poplar clones.
Tea-oil tree~. Chinese fir and poplar wcre tested to determine whether nitrogen fixation occurred in these woody plants.
Under this poplar protects carefully in the gate house soldiers, now already is the towering big tree, the luxuriant growth of leaves and branches.
Small magpie bit to stick house, the little squirrel to pinecone when food, cypress oil wear thick, bright clothes, poplar, willow leaves float to the tree mother's feet.
Poplar is the important tree species for shelterbelt and timber forest in our country. However, rapidly and fiercely-spreading by disease and pest has led to tremendous economic losses.
Although it is not in poplar leaves, but the pendant is full of fluffy ears, like countless ball thousand caterpillar in the tree.
The article measures the gravity center locations of tree stems with cable crane, the species of tree stems including korean pine, drangon spruce, fa-ber fir, linden, poplar, birch, elm, etc.
Within tree variation in wood basic density and cellulose content of poplar clones;
Within tree variation in wood basic density and cellulose content of poplar clones;