The Confucius is Chinese ancient times greatness of the educator be the geneses person of popular education.
Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither freedom nor justice can be permanently maintained.
As an educational theory, postmodern education has many features, such as popular education, continuing education, subjective and general education.
These kinds of special courses make Khan Academy one of the world's most popular online education websites.
A survey by American Councils for International Education showed that there were 227,086 Chinese learners across the formal US education system, making Chinese the third most popular language being studied.
However, not all OSS applications will prove suitable or popular for education.
Monday, I gave readers an overview of Edubuntu, an education edition of the popular Linux distribution ubuntu.
On the list of women's most popular majors, education (No. 4), English (No. 9) and liberal arts (No.10) rank far above their positions on men's list.
It's no surprise the shady services have become popular, given how those with the virus are cut off from work and education opportunities once their status is disclosed.
As Facebook has become more and more popular-if it were a country, it would be the third largest in the world-its use in the field of education has expanded, too.
Classes include popular culture and education, urban sociology, gender and class differences in education, and the role of education in social justice.
The use of multimedia to enhance learning is a very popular trend in education.
With the rapid development and extensive application of information technology, modern distance education becomes more and more popular.
We need to facilitate personnel flows in both directions and expand exchange in culture, education, health, sports, tourism, media and justice to cement popular support for bilateral ties.
With the increasing concern about international education, the selection of international schools becomes the most popular topic among parents.
Computer education in secondary vocational schools have been widely popular, the traditional teaching method should keep up with The Times by the progress.
Nowadayss there are more and more people accepting online education, which is becoming a popular wave.
Emergency Radiology is a growing subspecialty and has become a popular topic for continuing medical education courses over the last several years.
Compared with other popular culture, it also has the function of spread, consumer, taste, entertainment and education.
Since 20th century 80's, have constructed the constructivism gradually is popular in the science education domain application.
Constructivism is a world-wide known social-scientific theory, whose teaching theories become more and more popular in the field of education.
The forms of environmental education are basic environmental education, university environmental education, on-the-job environmental education and popular environmental education.
Wuhan Botanical garden is a large and comprehensive garden of plant collection and conservation, scientific research, and popular science education as well as tourism.
China has basically evolved an oceanographic education system embracing professional education, vocational education and popular knowledge education.
Qualitative research methods have been widely used in comparative education research at abroad and are not popular at home.
Qualitative research methods have been widely used in comparative education research at abroad and are not popular at home.