Hanging herbs on the front door is also popular, which is meant to protect people from evil and illness.
He is also a popular speaker and the author of several books, including the Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience.
With no capital costs up front, cloud computing also reduces the cost of getting a new project to market, and the hosting costs only become significant if the application is popular.
MEALTIMES: Many meals in America are arranged around popular television shows, people like to eat in front of the TV, not always sitting at a table, they sit in a chair or on a sofa.
Truevert's front page features the latest news from popular environmental websites and blogs.
The 23-year-old Allen, a student from Arkansas, won the 2009 season of the popular singing contest, defeating presumed front-runner Adam Lambert who was known for his outlandish style.
今年23岁的阿伦是一名来自阿克萨斯的学生,在2009年第八季全美最受欢迎的歌唱大赛《美国偶像》中,阿伦击败了以演唱风格怪异闻名的夺冠热门亚当·兰伯特(Adam Lambert)。
If the casual reader passed over them quickly when they first appeared on the front pages of American newspapers, the missiles are now more than ever firmly embedded in the popular imagination.
The most popular seat, 6a, is well positioned for those wanting to disembark the aircraft quickly without being too close to the hustle and bustle of the front toilets.
Perhaps most popular among cops is the rear compartment, which is sealed off from the front and made entirely of seamless, washable plastic, with drain plugs in the floor.
Sri Lanka refused to issue a visa to Akon, a Senegalese-American singer, after popular protests sparked by one of his videos, in which women in swimwear dance in front of a statue of the Buddha.
In the evenings and on weekends, Stevie would play different instruments and sing popular songs in the front of neighbors' homes.
Our designers all over the world collecting folk songs, will be the most popular styles, fabrics and accessories show in front of guests.
Stone lions were also popular decorations of common Chinese houses. The stone lions in front of well-to-do families were like loyal gate-keeping dogs.
In front of a popular restaurant, a line of customers waits for taxis. And wait. Most of the cabs are full.
The Skyline continued into the 1990s when it became popular largely because it remained rear wheel drive, while most other manufacturers were focusing on front wheel drive cars.
In the ensuing ages it gradually grew into a popular custom that on the day of Jie Zi-tui's death no fire must be lit, but willow branches to be gathered and planted in front of each family's home.
Classical Cu-Al Composed Heating Radiator, with arched front face, is the most popular choice.
This spot is hugely popular with Chinese tourists who flock here to be photographed in front of the huge rock which is featured on the back of the 2 RMB note.
这一景点深受中国游客青睐,他们蜂拥至此,在 2 元人民币背面印有的巨石前留影。放松身心、享受美景和开阔的视野,来一杯日落鸡尾酒或卡布奇诺咖啡再适合不过了。
This topic fully had also considered the operation flexibility, used a more popular level in the front backstage design to fold the menu technology.
This topic fully had also considered the operation flexibility, used a more popular level in the front backstage design to fold the menu technology.