Rooney was very popular with the public but drew criticism from the media for his controversial views and for the seemingly effortless style and content of his "60 Minutes" essays.
Tom DeLay was out of the public eye in recent years except for a series of appearances as a dancer on a popular U.S. television program, "Dancing with the Stars," in 2009.
That is especially popular with young Internet firms.It allows founders and key employees to make money without having to sell the company or go public prematurely.
That is especially popular with young Internet firms. It allows founders and key employees to make money without having to sell the company or go public prematurely.
Although he is popular with the European public, Mr. Obama likely will face some tough talk from their leaders.
Public opinion surveys have shown that U.S. anti-terrorism measures are not popular in Pakistan, nor are Pakistani efforts to cooperate with the United States.
Among Hamada's many public works projects, the biggest benefits had come from the prison, the university and the Aquas aquarium, with its popular whales, they said.
Thee reaction was in stark contrast with the revelation of Wen Zhang, another popular actor with a public persona of simple honesty, cheating on his wife.
人们对于黄海波行为的反应和对另一位普受欢迎的演员文章的丑闻的反应形成强烈对比。文章素以单纯、诚实的公众形象闻名,却被揭露有外遇。 ꂴ。
It has come to be a popular genre in recent years, with more and more interest from the public propagating it into an art form that has gone on to create national and even international competitions.
Since the disclosure of Daguerre photography 160-odd years ago, with the decrease of the price and the simplicity of operation, photography becomes the most popular form of arts amongst the public.
Early signs of Chinese public opinion showed widespread approval of the execution, with most respondents on Sohu. com, a popular web portal, supporting it.
Even in the UK, public opinion was divided, with readers of a popular British newspaper posting support online for a column suggesting that the decision may have been justified.
You can see this with public figures. Public figures who are viewed as competent but who pratfall, sometimes they are even more popular after the mistake. Okay?
The Buffalo Nickel the Buffalo Nickel was first minted for regular use in U. S. coinage in 1913 and became very popular with the general public.
The Buffalo Nickel the Buffalo Nickel was first minted for regular use in U. S. coinage in 1913 and became very popular with the general public.