In addition, it is discussed how to protect sparrow in areas of the population declining obviously.
Parland's alligator population has been declining in recent years, primarily because of hunting.
But so is Germany, and its fertility has been declining for decades; whereas Ireland is not, and its population is growing.
Long run economic constraints include declining oil production and exports and pressure on water supplies caused by rapid population growth, industrial expansion, and increased water pollution.
And if you're in an area where the population is stagnant, declining, or aging, the Numbers may be working against you.
Japan's declining birth rate means that by 2015 more than one in four Japanese will be 65 or over, while the working population is forecast to shrink almost 10 per cent by 2030.
Even in regions with declining population, we see substantial increase in the number of households.
The number of yellow fever cases has increased over the past two decades due to declining population immunity to infection, deforestation, urbanization, population movements and climate change.
The trend over the last 15 years has been for the poorest quintile of the population in many countries to have a declining share in national consumption.
The population of New Orleans has been declining. Whites account for less than one-third of the total, whereas in 1960 they made up almost two-thirds.
Reaping the "demographic dividends" seen in declining dependency rates and slowing population growth.
At home, companies face a slowing economy, a cultural aversion to takeovers and an ageing and declining population.
But the population of rare and unique fish species has been declining since the 1980s because of dam building, water pollution, overfishing and land reclamation.
World population growth is now declining after its annual peak of 2.2 percent in the early 1960s.
The prefecture’s working-age population has shrunk from over 1m in 1990 to 874, 000 in 2008, a result both of the exodus and a declining birth rate.
But critics say the pressure to drink is one of the reasons why Japan's population is declining as men in particular spend little time at home.
Despite this growing patient population, however, mental health care accounted for a declining percentage of new Medicare spending in that same time period.
Our new method offers genuine promise for monitoring the population of this elusive and rare insect, one that is declining across much of its European range.
Japan's declining population plays a role, too.
And as the sponge population grows, he said corals are declining.
In Europe, 34 per cent of the population is predicted to be above 60 in the next 35 years because of the declining fertility rate and increase in longevity.
Yellow cedars population has been declining all across the northwestern coast of north America, both on the mainland and on the islands just off the coast.
Possible causes of the vegetation shift include declining rainfall, growing human population and decreasing soil fertility.
Fertility, , measured by the average number of children that would be born to a woman over herlifetime, is declining across the world but the population continues to rise as rates remain high.
An ageing population and a declining birth rate constitute a serious problem for the domestic employment market.
An ageing population and a declining birth rate constitute a serious problem for the domestic employment market.