Recognizing natural gas with convention log data mainly is based on 3 porosity log curves.
Identifying natural gas with conventional log data mainly is based on three porosity log curves.
The neutron porosity log reads low, whereas the density log reads high and relatively accurately.
Different porosity reading on the neutron porosity log for the same formation due to gas in the pore space.
When superposing neutron porosity log with density porosity log, density porosity is far higher than neutron porosity.
But it will fail to recognize the gas bearing bed buried deeper by the two methods as its porosity log feature is not obvious, especially when density porosity is lower than neutron porosity.
Neutron log is an important means for providing porosity and lithology information.
Calculation methods and formulae of porosity, permeability, shale content and oil saturation are given in the part of log interpretation.
In Kuche area, the sandstone reservoir is characterized by low porosity, low permeability and high pressure, and pore texture is complex, so, it is very difficult for reservoir log evaluation.
On the basis of lithologic identification, the reservoir's porosity and permeability was calculated with multivariate statistics according to the log response of different rock composition.
The variation of CHGR with depth is available from the calibration of the porosity, gas saturation of electric log interpretation of the reservoir and hydrocarbon gases expansion coefficient.
The application in Henan Oilfield shows excellent advantages in the aspects of computation of porosity, identification of lithology as well as casing hole compensated neutron log.
Log data may be used for calculating shaly capping beds parameters such as thickness, displacement pressure, total porosity, effective porosity, permeability, sand content, etc.
Nowdays, for the unitary lithology and moderate, high porosity conventional reservoir, the log interpretation and evaluation method is built.
The log is made from resistivity, density, neutron, and sonic log data and shows porosity, secondary porosity, grain density, fluid analysis, water saturation, and formation analysis.
The difference of the porosity-calculated from sonic log and from neutron log is related to the effect of CO2 in gas-bearing beds.
用声波时差计算总孔隙度中t与计算出的中子孔隙度中。 对比,其差值就是CO:的影响所致。
The difference of the porosity-calculated from sonic log and from neutron log is related to the effect of CO2 in gas-bearing beds.
用声波时差计算总孔隙度中t与计算出的中子孔隙度中。 对比,其差值就是CO:的影响所致。