In Washington State, the Port of Tacoma said Friday that it would not host a proposed coal loading plant, citing “a multitude of business and community factors.
Ii. indicate that the goods have been shipped on board a named vessel at the port of loading stated in the credit by.
Transhipment is the unloading from one vessel and reloading to another vessel during the carriage from the port of loading to the port of discharge stated in the credit.
Certificate of quantity and quality to be issued by SGS at loading port, 3 original and 3 copies.
Certificate % of quantity and quality to be issued by SGS at loading port, 3 original and 3 copies.
To an extent, you have a point there: perhaps we'd better change the port of loading.
At the loading port and must indicate full specifications of goods.
Notice of readiness to load shall be tendered with clean holds hatch open and ready in all respect to load at any time after vessel has arrived at loading port whether in berth or not.
Loading port at its own risk and expenses. The payment of the afore-said.
The Seller shall ship the goods within the time as stipulated in clause 8 of this Contract by a direct vessel sailing from the port of loading to China port.
Buyer will dispatch following documents to seller for demurrage dispatch settlement nor time sheet and statement of fact duly signed shipmaster and vessel agent at loading port and tendered.
The Sellers undertake to ship the contracted goods from the port of loading to the port of destination on a direct liner, with no transhipment allowed.
Buyer may dispatch in inspection Team, at their own expense and risks, to observe the inspection and loading of Commodity at loading Port.
SELLERshall % pay all and any taxes; duties related to the performance of this Contract before the cargo leave the loading port.
SELLERshall pay all and any taxes; duties related to the performance of this Contract before the cargo leave the loading port.
In choosing the container as the main element of construction, there was a way to showcase the concept of loading dock and create a nod to the port context.
The stevedores at the loading port of Nagasaki untied several score of bundles in order to fill the broken Spaces with the loose pieces.
The buyer will charter vessel, pay freight, issue shipping advice about name of the vessel, loading port and delivery time.
The price includes up to 30 days storage and insurance of any consignment in the port of loading.
How many FCLs and LCLs are there on board? And were any of the containers damaged at the loading port or during the voyage?
The Seller shall ship the goods within the time as stipulated in Clause 8 of this Contract by a direct vessel sailing from the port of loading to China port.
As I understand it, you are also to inform us of the contract number, name of commodity, quantity, loading port and the estimated time when the goods will reach the port of loading.
Seller shall pay to Buyer Demurrage incurred at the loading Port in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Charter Party.
Welcome you to NINGBO port. I'm foreman, we are in charge of loading cargo. We hope we can obtain your support and cooperation. Thank you.
Ships' berth time at port depends on the efficiency of containers loading and unloading, re-stow is primary factor that influences the stowage.
Ships' berth time at port depends on the efficiency of containers loading and unloading, re-stow is primary factor that influences the stowage.