Do the radio waves that cell phones emit pose a threat to health?
The continuous and reckless use of synthetic chemicals for the control of pests which pose a threat to agricultural crops and human health is proving to be counter-productive.
Plutonium, believed to be from one of the damaged reactors, has been found in nearby soil, although Tepco insists this does not pose a threat to human health.
Some experts warn that the frequent use of cell phones can pose a tremendous threat to our health.
The trans-fatty acids contained in hydrogenated oil pose a severe threat to health that has led many Western countries to ban its use, but its production and use are still rather common in China.
Did you know that climate change could pose a bigger threat to health than smoking, alcohol or obesity?
Cancer is one of the major diseases which pose a threat to human health in modern, changing the delivery is a developing trend in oncology research.
This is an aspect the article doesn't mention: GM food's untested, dangerous nature, which beyond endangering traditional farming practices, could pose a threat to human and animal health.
It is one of the most ordinary and representative unintentional crime, which pose a serious security threat to people's life and health and property.
Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) continues to pose a serious threat to the people's health.
Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) continues to pose a serious threat to the people's health.