In short bursts, these hormones have a positive effect, including improved memory function.
The Association also said making the film had a very positive effect in getting staff to work together more closely.
UK researchers found moving to a green space had a sustained positive effect, unlike pay rises or promotions, which only provided a short-term boost.
White said his team wanted to see whether living in greener urban areas had a lasting positive effect on people's sense of well-being or whether the effect also disappeared after a period of time.
The covers are a small change, but they can still have a positive effect.
In short bursts these hormones have a positive effect, including improved memory function.
This treatment may not produce a positive effect until after six to 12 months of treatment.
It's hard to think of a business that's had a more positive effect for customers than the PC business.
The doctors say it’s possible that the very act of ministering to patients may have a positive effect.
In that sense, being able to reduce the burden of both kinds of illness would have a long-term positive effect.
Practice better posture and deeper breathing and you will see an immediate positive effect in your energy level.
They now number between 10, 000 and 50, 000, but conservation efforts appear to be having a positive effect.
Each individual improvement can have a positive effect, but when taken in sum, they can result in dramatic results.
However, Horvarth's article did have the positive effect of raising awareness of gastrointestinal (GI) problems in ASD.
The transformation will only have a positive effect as customer intelligence data will be shared more widely across organizations.
As mentioned above, George W. Bush gave out so-called rebate checks in 2001 and 2008, yet there was no positive effect either time.
像以上提到的一样,小布什(George W . B ush)在2001年和2008年也做出恶劣所谓的折扣检查,每一次都仍然没有什么积极的效果。
No matter what your age, mental exercise has a global, positive effect on the brain. So, here are 22 ways to boost your brain power.
This has the positive effect of increasing the overall functionality and of stabilizing the reliability of the application over time.
These studies, then, point out the positive effect of free will on a variety of behaviours that most people would consider beneficial.
A positive effect of this capability is that non-Microsoft applications such as music players will continue to work in the background.
Garbage collectors that group objects that are accessed at the same time together have a positive effect on application performance.
Nevertheless, the report says that even by the middle of this year, the stimulus bill would have a positive effect on the unemployment rate.
Managers can then make changes according to reasoning and advice and then assess whether later panel manipulation has had a positive effect or not.
The question is what's the positive effect that you get from not spending that money in a nonproductive manner and putting that same money to work?
Two years into the deepest recession in seven decades, there are signs that market Darwinism has had an unexpectedly positive effect on the business.
Two years into the deepest recession in seven decades, there are signs that market Darwinism has had an unexpectedly positive effect on the business.