Schema update failed: class in poss-superiors does not exist.
The reinforcement of plasticizing effect or POSS was dependent on its dispersion structure.
The existing problems in the study on hybrid POSS-polymers system in our country are discussed.
The significance and application of reinforcement of conventional polymers by POSS are reviewed.
POSS microstructure, melting characteristic, wetting property and shear strength were investigated.
Poss, Lindsay G. Wilson and Mark t. Keating found that the zebrafish can naturally regenerate its own heart.
The shifting drive bearing is a special bearing which poss-esses both the shifting and the supporting function.
Results show that the mica ceramicattenuation material is a kind of new high microwave absorbing material which poss…
结果表明,衰减云母陶瓷具有吸收量大、 热稳定性高、易于机械加工等特性,是一种新型的大功率微波吸收材料。
It is proposed to be exploited and utilized as bottled mineral water or processed mineral water beverage series products. It is also poss…
The invention relates to a polyhedral silsesquioxane (POSS)-modified polypropylene melt-blown nonwoven fabric and a preparation method thereof.
"We've now got 57 Predators up, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, looking at different target points around the world, " says Air Force Maj. Gen. James Poss.
The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System is one poss essing great development capability and permeable capability which application area outstrips its original design requirements.
Finally, the as obtained hybrid material containing POSS-NH_2 was studied in respect to mechanical properties, thermal stability, hot-oxygen resistance, density and dimension stability.
最后,研究了含POSS - NH_2的环氧杂化材料的性能,包括力学性能、热稳定性、抗热氧化稳定性、密度、尺寸稳定性等。
Finally, the as obtained hybrid material containing POSS-NH_2 was studied in respect to mechanical properties, thermal stability, hot-oxygen resistance, density and dimension stability.
最后,研究了含POSS - NH_2的环氧杂化材料的性能,包括力学性能、热稳定性、抗热氧化稳定性、密度、尺寸稳定性等。