I lock my office door and put up a Post-It note that says, "Writing Troll – Get Back!" which has a picture of a troll on it.
我锁上办公室并在门上贴上便利贴,上面写着 “写作巨魔——请回!” ,上面还有巨魔的一幅画。
Inside, his Post-it read:"Karla, it has always been you."
Sowell likes history, but he likes it on Post-it notes.
"Post-it notes stuck everywhere suggest you have a memory like a sieve," she says.
MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and post-it notes.
Zina: it's a little green 3 post-it note, 4 stuck right in the middle of my computer screen.
Think of them as virtual Post-it notes somewhere in the ether, waiting for someone to notice.
Zina: It's a little green 3) post-it note, 4) stuck right in the middle of my computer screen.
There is a post-it-note on my bathroom mirror it’s 6 years old and the ink is fading, it reads
Trademarks have been given to single colours for industrial products, such as yellow for Post-it notes.
Write it down and place it somewhere you will see it, even if it's a Post-It note on your keyboard.
Leave encouraging post-it notes in a library books and other random places. (Read Operation Beautiful.)
In a bid to become more organized, you may start using post-it notes, create to-do lists, buy personal organizers, etc.
I lock my office door and put up a Post-It note that says, "Writing troll - Get Back!" which has a picture of a troll on it.
I then performed the activities, documented the results and, just as Probasco suggests, I produced a lot of Post-it notes.
One good way to identify a group's priorities is to ask people to write their views with thick markers on large post-it notes.
If your Christmas card list extends beyond a dried out Post-It note, then it's likely you can look forward to a fruitful old age.
I would write a friendly message on a post-it note and then call her as soon as I arrived back at my office, interrupting her phone call.
Batteries should be recycled at the appropriate locations, not thrown in the garbage and paper and post-it notes can easily be recycled if kept separate.
Each person writes his or her priorities on large post-it notes, one priority per note, and then sticks them to a board or large sheet of paper where everyone can see them.
You can write a draft review, but you have to visit the Yelp website to post it.
You may want to print the story out so you can review it but don't post it to us.
I recommend, writing the following on a post it note, or card and putting it on the mirror near your bathroom sink.
Now, if you are not a heavy social media user, ignore this post, it just doesn't apply to you.
We post it to the server using code similar to the code used when Posting property sheet types and document types.
We post it to the server using code similar to the code used when Posting property sheet types and document types.