Post Doc wanted. Those who are interested in pearl science are warmly welcomed.
One experiment a post doc of mine did was he took these cells and injected them back in to the ear into the otic vesicle at the stage where we think the cells are in development.
Post Doc-Position, the Institute of Cell Biology(Cancer Research), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany:University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Employer: University of Duisburg-Essen …
I did my post-doc at the N.I.H., in the laboratory of Ed Evarts.
Raluca Budiu, who is a post-doc working in our group, has conducted some very interesting research with us on how tagging appears to affect human information processing.
I couldn't get new Docs to post to a group's Wall, and it looked like the group selection defaulted to the first alphabetically, even if you'd set the Doc up for a different group.
The edit document process is similar in operation, using a different URL, and using the POST method of HttpConnect to save the data from the Doc portlet.
编辑文档的过程是相似的,但是要使用不同的URL,并使用HttpConnect 的POST方法保存来自Docportlet的数据。
I did my post-doc at the N.I.H., in the laboratory of Ed Evarts, who’d developed a technique for studying single brain cells and learning how their activities related to behavior.
我在Ed Evarts实验室成为了博士后,该实验室开发了研究单个脑细胞的技术。
Post-Doc. , Department of Materials Engineering, Penn State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA.
Post-Doc. , Department of Materials Engineering, Penn State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA.