Lou Bailiang had undertaken postdoctoral research in Montreal University in Canada since 1990.
To train MA and PhD students in the relevant specialty, admit postdoctoral research fellows and visiting scholars with similar interests.
'It goes to show the power of "thank you,"' said the study's lead author Allen Barton, a postdoctoral research associate at UGA's Center for Family research.
Also established in Shanghai in Shanghai soft information security postdoctoral research stations and substations information security laboratory Shanghai sub-centres.
Thee Electromechanical Systems Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut has a position available for a postdoctoral research fellow.
He and his 15-member team of graduate students and young postdoctoral research fellows are well on their way to starting biology from scratch - more than 3.5 billion years after it first emerged.
"This supernova remnant got really big, really fast," says Brian J. Williams, a postdoctoral research scholar at North Carolina State University, where researchers led a team of astrophysicists.
Meanwhile, a postdoctoral fellow named Min Zhu had become bored with the rheumatology research she was doing and was looking for a new field.
The research, published June 10 in Physical Review Letters, details the findings of ub Assistant Professor Eva Zurek and ub postdoctoral associate Pio Baettig.
6月10日发表在《物理评论快报》的一篇文章,详细介绍了助理教授EvaZurek和博士后pio Baettig的研究成果。
The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health and an American Heart Association postdoctoral fellowship.
For the study, a research team led by Angelina Sutin, a postdoctoral fellow at the U.S. National Institute on Aging, collected data on more than 5,600 people in four villages in Sardinia, Italy.
This report sums up the research works that the author has doing during the postdoctoral period in East Normal University.
"One of the biggest effects, " says the study's lead author, Robert Kopp, who did his research during a postdoctoral fellowship at Princeton, "is gravity.
It is a fully accredited state university offering all types of academic degrees including PhD and postdoctoral lecture qualifications in five faculties and several research institutes.
Although he has been doing postdoctoral work at the University of Texas, he figures his prospects for research and professional development are probably better in his home country.
In October of 2008, Alphay became the substation of postdoctoral scientific research.
There have been lots of experts and management talents who got trained respectively in 2 postdoctoral scientific research working station, 1 doctorate-accredited field and 16 master-accredited fields.
The excellent research conditions and postdoctoral apartment will be provided.
The excellent research conditions and postdoctoral apartment will be provided.