Six months went by, still, nothing is in Ling's pot. He just knew he had killed his seed.
He opened his eyes and through his tears looked over at the rose growing in a pot on the windowsill and then to the circle of string he still held 5 clutched in his hand.
Knowing that there were still three players left, he decided to put all his money in the pot.
His distillery is striking, housing a well-appointed tasting room and a custom-built 300-gallon German-made Holstein pot still, which vaults through the space like a burnished copper rocket.
On the following day, Mr Chen came again, but the woman-doctor found the glass pot still empty.
You also want to drink a pot? I'm sorry, I still can't let you go. Until we finish see yuyuan garden and make a decision, all right?
Although many cultures blend together, each culture in the America melting pot still retain its distinct flavor.
There are still too many people in Beijing who can't distinguish between a pile of empty boxes, bottles and old newspapers in front of their houses and a pot of geraniums.
If they are still super-chewy, cover the pot again and simmer for up to another 45 minutes.
But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half of its load, and so again the pot apologized to the bearer for its failure.
If you decide to purchase a health insurance plan for your pot bellied pig make sure it is one that it will still be valid at the end of your pets life, which could bet twenty years away.
Even when they spend 3 hours to enjoying a Hot Pot, they may still feel not fully satisfied afterwards.
Obtained by the traditional and artesian Arab method of copper pot still, Alquitaras, to achieve an eaux-de-vie of unique finesse.
Like crabs in cold water, property speculators are getting cooked, but the smart ones still have time to escape the slow hot-pot treatment.
On the broad desk in the middle of the room, two crystal glassessat beside an opened bottle of Perrier, its bubbles still fizzing. A pewter pot of coffee steamedbeside it.
It doesn't matter what metal a pot is made of, you can still cook in it.
Therefore, the "melting pot"theory is still one of the main theories for understanding the U. S. ethnic relations.
Whiskey distilled in scotland; especially whiskey made from malted barley in a pot still .
Only 89 yuan can have so delicious hot pot, you are still hesitant about friends come together Shenma would satisfy a craving for delicious food!
But at the end of the walk, the cracked pot still felt bad because it had leaked out half of its load, and so again the pot said sorry to the bearer for its failure.
Salaries may still be fixed rather low at present, but they shouldn't be too low. We must do away with equalitarianism and the practice of "sharing food from the same big pot".
By simulation, the effects of reflux ratio, the area of the preheat-cool exchanger, cool duty of still pot, heat duty of evaporator and the liquid flow recycled by pump on heat sens...
By simulation, the effects of reflux ratio, the area of the preheat-cool exchanger, cool duty of still pot, heat duty of evaporator and the liquid flow recycled by pump on heat sens...