The leaf and spike characteristics of nearly50 rice varieties( lines) were analyzed by means of pot culture.
The study deals with the effect of aluminum (Al) stress on the microflora of red soil in soybean pot culture experiment.
The effect of different plant densities on root growth in winter wheat was studied in field and pot culture experiments.
Pot culture experiments were conducted to study the effect of molybdenum on the inorganic nitrogen compounds of winter wheat.
The pot culture experiment of Vicia faba L. seeded in different soil drought shows that Vicia faba L. has certain adaptability .
The effect of the soil conditioner MDM on ameliorating the meadow alkali soil was investigated by pot culture and field experiment.
The method of this experiment used the pot culture, and the soils were treated with different mercury compounds in various concentration.
The effect of application of organic materials on improving the fertility of Chernozem was studied with two-year pot culture experiments.
The increase in available P due to P fertilizer application and the yearly decrease in available P after pot culture varied greatly with soil types.
The same symptoms and same fungal isolates were caused by inoculated the fungus on the plantlets of Phoenix canariensis in tree nursery and pot culture.
The salt-tolerances of various tree species were determined through experiments of pot culture with salt-watering and of saline soil pools in the field.
The effect of water stress on physiological character in different drought resistant peanut varieties was studied in pot culture with rainproof shelter.
The water requirement and growth in paddy rice were studied under four different irrigation methods and different evaporation and seepage with pot culture.
The effect of lanthanum (La) accumulation on availability of soil nutrients in red soil was studied through indoor soil culture and pot culture experiments.
The status of nutrients of four irrigation desert soils at Zhangye, Wuwei, Jinchang and Minqin, in Gansu Province were studied using pot culture experiments.
Effects of different 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene (TCB) concentrations on membrane lipid peroxidation in soybean hypocotyls were studied with pot culture experiment.
以盆栽法研究了不同浓度1,2,4 -三氯苯(TCB)胁迫对大豆下胚轴膜脂过氧化作用的影响。
There were also have significant differences in the two maize inbred lines, especially in the pot culture taken in damp soil and the root bag culture in red soil.
Hot Pot culture surely can be classified too. Waiting for the oil to come to a boil and waiting for the first food to be eatable, Chengdu people show great patience.
Through pot culture experiments, the effects of copper mine tailings on growing status and resistance to heavy metals of five forage grass species were investigated.
The variation of nutrient in soil of sequential cropping peanut and the response of such soil to organic and chemical fertilizers were investigated through pot culture.
Effects of nitrogen application amounts on source of nitrogen accumulation and yields of two peanut cultivars were studied by using the method of pot culture and 15n tracer.
Phalaenopsis should avoid accumulation of water, avoid direct sunlight, dry and ventilated, to do a good job on the pot culture, and daily management and pest and disease control.
The affects of Photosynthetic bacteria on burgeon of tomato through sand culture method on pigment, enzyme system of tomato and soil microbe through pot culture experiment were studied.
Genotypic differences of phosphorus(P) efficiency among 194 Brassica napus L. cultivars were investigated under pot culture in acid soil with a method of two step screening typical cultivars.
Comprehensive effects of cu, Pb and Zn in Soil on growth, yield and quality of rice have been studied through a series of pot culture experiments with a 4 level and 3 factor orthogonal design.
Through pot culture, the author studied the formation characteristics of the root system of rape seedlings planted in strong acid soil and the absorption of phosphorus through the root system.
Effects of waterlogging of soil on sorghum root were studied on the Experimental Farm of Shanxi Agricultural University with pot culture utilizing waterlogging-simulation method at later growth stage.
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For example, many shop is now Hot pot plagiarism glasses cloth, plastic rope, mobile phone sets, such an idea is not what, from some culture service.