In most sectors of the economy, it is the seller who attempts to attract a potential buyer with various inducements of price, quality, and utility.
This of course is designed to hide or deceive the potential buyer of what state the car came from.
The other thing that had me dumbfounded was that one of my potential buyer refused to deal with me.
Often this is a way of sparking interest or persuading a potential buyer that the player is on his way out.
Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis of potential buyer the right to know and explore.
Kzoni and Samaropoulou say they'd found a potential buyer, a Kazakh billionaire whose name they would not give up.
If you can not effectively protect the right to know, other rights will not be able to potential buyer successfully.
Secondly, should focus on building a long-term protection of the right to know potential buyer integrated mechanism.
There are likely other significant costs that a potential buyer would have to incur in order to re-establish the brand.
Over the past three months, we have been remarkably close to striking a deal, only to have the potential buyer get cold feet.
Pep up your old system: What if a potential buyer wants to figuratively kick the tires of your PC before plunking down cash for it?
SEO involves making your business more apparent when a potential buyer is looking to make a purchase pertaining to specific keywords.
Recently, Blockbuster announced that it wanted to transfer its contract to sell Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream in its stores to a potential buyer.
"Any serious potential buyer will be allowed to have a photo expert of their choice examine the original photograph before any money changes hands," he adds on eBay.
At this stage, if interested, the potential buyer can make an appointment at their nearest showroom by filling in a specific form requesting further information.
If the product comes with some fancy packaging place that also under the additional images so the potential buyer has some extra thing to look for when buying the product.
If you can get it clear enough and at an Angle that the potential buyer can see, described in the item's description, you stand a very good chance of making the sale.
SABMiller has been talked of as a potential buyer for Molson Coors, Australia’s Fosters, Efes, Turkey’s largest brewer—though it might find itself in competition with Heineken.
SABMiller has been talked of as a potential buyer for Molson Coors, Australia's Fosters, Efes, Turkey's largest brewer-though it might find itself in competition with Heineken.
The price negotiation between the team and the potential buyer was interesting. It went something like this (I don’t remember the exact numbers so these are approximations)
Right to know all the rights in potential buyer constitutes an important basis in a position, only the realization of the right to know in order to better protect other rights.
In this scenario, a potential buyer (that is, the "Customer") retrieves a catalog of products offered by a particular buyer and selects which products will be purchased in which quantities.
However, in the real estate pre-sale activities, and as a result of the pre-sale between potential buyer serious information asymmetry, the right to know potential buyer houses damaged.
However, it's become a common practice to do just the opposite. e-commerce sites have taken this "scatter shot" approach of trying to slap the potential buyer with as many options as possible.
These provisions narrow the field of Deliverable Obligations following a Restructuring Credit Event because of a potential windfall value in the cheapest-to-deliver option for the Buyer.
Her role is not only to introduce the local metal supplier to its potential American buyer, or perhaps laying out the prices between the two.
The rocketing price of housing has tremendously damped the enthusiasm of potential house buyer.
Competition, a critical factor in marketing management, includes all of the actual and potential rival offerings and substitutes that a buyer might consider.
Based on the above, and unless the prospective buyer has an interest in a potential common part of the building (for example, a large roof terrace).
Based on the above, and unless the prospective buyer has an interest in a potential common part of the building (for example, a large roof terrace).