To do this, countries must be able to readily obtain pertinent data on pest biology, distribution, host range and potential for impact.
However, the increasing US budget deficit and its potential impact on the dollar have raised questions about the future Chinese appetite for US debt.
Instant information, from anywhere to anyone, has now become a vehicle for instant impact on opinion and motivation - and a potential opening for manipulation.
For each risk, they should also determine the probability that the risk event will occur and the potential impact on the project.
He said if it continues, there is the potential for a significant long-term impact on U.S.-Russia relations.
Of course, defined leadership is preferable to a confused structure, but the potential for one man or woman to make that much impact on a corporate outcome is wildly exaggerated.
"One of the most exciting factors of this work for me is the potential for widespread impact," Conrad said.
Our goal is for the greatest possible number of Member States to become Contracting Parties so as to maximize the impact of the Convention and fulfil its potential for saving lives.
But measures like efficiency improvements hold the greatest potential for immediate impact.
Now is the time for executives across all industries to structure their thoughts about the potential impact and opportunities likely to emerge from the Internet of Things.
Opening accounts for babies has been tried before, but only in rich countries such as Britain, Canada and South Korea, where its potential impact is far smaller.
Whether this has a potential for carry over into food at low concentrations (usually in the range of microgram per kilogram) and could further impact human health may need further evaluation.
Fortune: What's the potential for growing global economic insecurities to impact your business and how?
Microarrays have had a fundamental impact on biological research already, but doctors are only just beginning to tap their potential for medical use.
Present significant potential for improvement in terms of its environmental impact without entailing excessive costs, taking into account in particular.
Testimonials, case studies, and other written endorsements work well and have long been used for product endorsements, but the spoken word and visual images have the potential for much greater impact.
证书、案例研究和其它书面认可都起着不错的作用,并且很长时间一直用于产品认可,但口头词语和可视图像很有可能会产生更大的影响。 在本文中,我们将谈论 IBM?
We identify problems in the application of theory and empirical method as well as the impact of resource constraints and the potential for systematic decision bias.
I was looking for a franchise with strong growth potential that also had a positive impact on society.
He said it also served to enhance the quality and impact of research as well as the potential for further collaboration.
For each potential failure, an estimate is made of its effect on the total system and of its impact.
For years, scientists have debated the potential impact of oil spills.
To address the impact of a potential China downturn, we decided to look at the importance that China has played as an export destination for goods from Latin America.
The fate and potential impact to ecosystem for veterinary medicines has aroused great concern over the last decade, and has become one research hotspot in the world now.
That would amount to $11.9 trillion in wages lost, with China and India accounting for the largest potential employment impact.
Any product selected should maximize a data mart's potential for amplifying the impact of direct data access by providing the greatest degree of effortlessness.
It has huge potential impact not only for business applications but also for the rest of the industry.
Electric vehicles, in particular, necessitate important changes to vehicles and will impose a potential impact on the electricity supply infrastructure when connected to the grid for recharging.
Electric vehicles, in particular, necessitate important changes to vehicles and will impose a potential impact on the electricity supply infrastructure when connected to the grid for recharging.