The electric field intensity distribution was acquired through potential gradient.
The reason is that it is under the effect of matrix potential gradient in stead of moisture content gradient.
The plasma potential gradient across the grid and the hot-filament draws ions from the plasma towards the filaments.
Affected by hydraulic potential gradient, the unsaturated soil water in the furrow soil may supply laterally the ridge soil of adjacent furrow.
When the direction of the magnetic field strength gradient and the direction of the chemical potential gradient is identical, the effect of the mass transfer is best.
Tests reveal that the bottom of the reinforcement cage corresponds to the minimum of the electric potential gradient curve and the inflexion of the electric potential curve.
The effects of direction, strength of interferential electric field, as well as the arranged space between steel electrodes on measured potential gradient were investigated.
Active transport The use of energy to move a solute across a membrane against a concentration gradient, a potential gradient, or both (electrochemical potential) . Uphill transport.
The equation shows that the potential depends on the chemical potential gradient of the active ions in the occluded pitting and partial potential drop corresponding to the same ions.
For example, the electric field or gravitational field is given by the gradient of the gravitational or electric potential.
OK, so that's the general method of calculation, but we've seen a shortcut for work when we can show that the field is the gradient of potential.
So, actually on Tuesday we'll see how to decide whether a vector field is a gradient or not, and if it is a gradient, how to find the potential function.
If we have a vector field that cannot possibly be a gradient then we shouldn't try to look for a potential.
So, it's a force field is the gradient of a potential so, I'll still keep my plus signs.
In this paper the transmission of paraxial light beams was analyzed based on the gradient vector potential of electromagnetic field.
So essentially, they regulate this action potential, and they do so by helping to establish and then control the voltage gradient within the cells.
Finally, the influence of orbital errors and potential coefficient errors on the gravity gradient measurements are conversely found out.
It is found out that: the potential field is motional, and the motional rate is related with the temperature gradient in the field.
Water potential reflects energy level of soil water and the gradient of water potential is an impotent factor describing direction and velocity of water flow.
This algorithm has combined the gradient mapping of binary edge image and the potential distribution of people's facial characteristics.
Firstly, a gradient operator based on local standard deviation is performed and potential edge regions are well separated.
During the impurity radiation, the density perturbation driven by density gradient couples with the temperature one and then affects the electrostatic potential one.
The potential devevelopment trends in the field of(gradient) copolymer were pointed out.
The keystone is whether or not there is unique potential field in which the stresses (strains) or their increments are its gradient vectors.
Gravity gradient is the second order derivative of gravitational potential, which can be observed by satellite gradiometer.
This indicates that there is more profound physical meaning of the gradient vector potential of electromagnetic field.
The SLM technique has a great potential in manufacturing density gradient parts.
The normalized full gradient and phase of gravity anomalies have been studied by potential field conversion and fast Fourier transform in wave-number domain.
The strong vertical temperature gradient is sometimes more indicative than the convective available potential energy in making potential prediction of severe convective storms.
As we believed, Thermoelectrics potential is unlimitted because Temperature gradient is everywhere, we will do our best to save the world, and to keep the word green.