Thousands of tons of filth and sewage pour into the Ganges every day.
Bring a pot of water to boil. Rinse the sago and pour into the boiled water.
Puree fruit in blender, combine everything and pour into the ice cream maker.
Beat the egg whites until stiff, and then carefully fold into the mixture. Pour into the tin.
If Mubarak goes, tens of thousands will pour into the streets of Amman and Sana and elsewhere.
Beat the eggs into the cooled sugar mixture, pour into the well of flour, and mix thoroughly.
Crowds pour into the nether world of the spirits of the dead, noisy, put up hades upset, mood.
Put all 3 ingredients into the blender. Cover with the lid. Process until smooth. Pour into the glass.
The leftover dishes pour into the assigned dustbin. Forbid throw it away randomly. Offenders will fine RMB20.00.
But we must stem the tide of malice, and pour into the wounded bosoms of each other the balm of sisterly consolation.
South Korean farmers are worried that the deal will see US produce pour into the country, threatening their livelihoods.
Even as billions in mining profits pour into the capital, infrastructure projects remain underfunded and jobs hard to find.
The accident started with a gas leak that let gas pour into the main tunnel and trigger an explosion due to poor ventilation.
Top light and light from the terrace reflected by the walls pour into the inner Spaces. These lights would express transitional beauty.
The love needs in the process which protects to pour into the friendship to be chaste sincere, the dear ones wound also injuries unceasingly.
Only take " space" the design as "shape", the shed " human" is "god". Let the space pour into the life, achieves "god shape" to have both! ! !
No other branches pour into the Yellow River except river Yiluo and river Qin from Mengjin to Peach blossom valley and river Dawen in Shandong.
No other branches pour into the Yellow River except river Yiluo and river Qin from Mengjin to Peach blossom valley, and river Dawen in Shandong.
As more investors pour into the bond markets — helping fuel the debt sale bonanza — the risks increase they are just hopping on the latest bubble.
In addition, during the period of the Games, a large number of athletes, sports officials, reporters and audience will pour into the hosting city.
The men in varied and extraordinary déshabille pour into the streets, throng the milk-shops, drag their barrows out, and begin to mix and freeze the ices.
A large number of domestic investors pour into the B-share market, has produced the influence that can't be ignored on the risk structure of the B-share market.
Resources continue to be pour into the nation\'s massive relief operations even as hopes faded for those still missing more than seven days since the quake struck.
Resources continue to be pour into the nation's massive relief operations even as hopes faded for those still missing more than seven days since the quake struck.
"I'll come back later on to take away your trash," he promises, as he sets up a portable electric hot plate on the table. He snips open sealed vacuum packs of soup to pour into the hot pot.
"I'll come back later on to take away your trash," he promises, as he sets up a portable electric hot plate on the table. He snips open sealed vacuum packs of soup to pour into the hot pot.