With her glossy mane of dark hair, pouting lips and sparkling green eyes, it is true that she is strikingly beautiful.
The spoilt child sat there pouting.
Women can get out of speeding tickets by pouting. This willget men arrested。
I noticed my lip pouting out the slightest, and I must have looked a wreck.
Women can get out of speeding tickets by pouting. This will get men arrested.
Women can get out of speeding tickets by pouting which will get men arrested.
Women can get out of speeding tickets by pouting which will get men arrested.
God offers grace for the older sibling in us. God does not leave us outside pouting.
Pouting, not honoring our parents, being lazy and selfish are some of the ways we sin.
我们本应尊敬父母, 但我们却不听他们的话, 常常懒惰,自私, 这些都是我们的罪。
But coveting what others have is displeasing to God and will make you a pouting, selfish person.
It's no use pouting and crying: that won't repay the trouble I've had, scouring the country after you.
"I only want to give you a chance to say honeyed words to me" she says with pouting smile on her mouth.
There were other sides of him that weren't fun to play for: yelling at referees, pouting in the locker room.
Even though King Ahab had so much, here we find him pouting and selfish because he couldn't have Naboth's land.
虽然亚哈王已经很富有,但我们却看到一个翘起嘴巴不高兴的自私的人, 只是因为他不能得到拿伯的地。
Francis never showed up in Vancouver, having been petulant and pouting enough for the Grizzlies to send him elsewhere.
Temperature stress induced by long pouring section is prevented by pouting concrete in different groups, areas and layers.
Jammed close to her was her old nurse, whose puffy, yellow face was pouting with emotion, while tears rolled from her eyes.
After a worm killed the vine that the Lord provided and the sun beat down upon his head, the pouting prophet was angry enough to die.
He had black close-cropped hair, grey eyes with long lashes, white cheeks and a mouth pouting As though he were determined not to cry…
Mother and child ponder the different ways a dinosaur can say goodnight, from slamming his tail and pouting to giving a big hug and kiss.
What makes this question interesting is the use of the word "fair," which makes them seem as if they are angry or pouting over the situation.
Behind those pouting poses, cheeky grins, and GIRL Power salutes, there was a programme of cynical media manipulation and calculating exploitation.
Under her long eyelashes was a pair of sleepy seemingly drunken dreamy big smiling eyes; her full round upper lip seemed to be angrily pouting at a lover.
She is renowned for her pouting poses but if there's one thing that can make Victoria Beckham smile, apart from her family, it's her flagship London store.
她的标志性造型就是撅嘴,但是如果有什么能让维多利亚?贝克汉姆微笑的话,除去家 人,那就是她刚开业的伦敦品牌旗舰店了。
Under her long eyelashes was a pair of sleepy, seemingly drunken, dreamy, big smiling eyes; her full, round upper lip seemed to be angrily pouting at a lover.
If she is pouting like a 6-year-old, you might get farther with conversation, but probably only as far as getting her to see that if she pouts, she will not get her way.
In this paper the arithmetic of 2d column drawing and 3d perspective drawing of the concrete pouring for arch dam is studied, and the concrete pouting is simulated by computer.
In this paper the arithmetic of 2d column drawing and 3d perspective drawing of the concrete pouring for arch dam is studied, and the concrete pouting is simulated by computer.