Were the government to use a multiplier of five instead of three, the proportion of Americans below the poverty line would rise to more than 24 percent.
The Child Poverty Action Group says nine out of 30 in every classroom fall below the poverty line.
Thirteen percent of the population live below the poverty line.
A third of the population is living at or below the poverty line.
Anyone who couldn't afford to buy those basics, including a helping of pease pudding with bacon on Sunday, was below the poverty line.
Only 14% of food-stamp households have incomes above the poverty line; 41% have incomes of half that level or less, and 18% have no income at all.
They cause billions of dollars in losses of national income, and they push millions of people below the poverty line, each and every year.
They refer to countries where the economy is steadily growing while each year more and more people fall below the poverty line.
The scheme aims to protect households living below the poverty line from liabilities arising from hospitalization.
"If they are working minimum-wage jobs and see their wages decline or stagnate, they may now see themselves below the poverty line," Kneebone said.
This rises to nearly three-quarters of those parents below the poverty line, the online poll of 854 parents for Save the Children indicated.
For generations, Newark has been paralysed by poverty—almost one in three people lives below the poverty line—and growing indifference to crime.
纽瓦克一代又一代的居民因贫穷而麻木,几乎有三分之一的人生活在贫困线之下。 人们对犯罪活动逐渐置若罔闻。
The World Bank forecasts that 200, 000 Cambodians will fall below the poverty line this year.
The gaps in health outcomes, that so often divide along the poverty line, are readily apparent here.
It famously draws the poverty line at “a dollar a day”, or more precisely $1.08 at 1993 purchasing-power parity (PPP).
A third of this population lives below the poverty line.
Some 700,000 Serbs, of a population of 7.3m, live below the poverty line.
This is why they continually redefine poverty and raise the income threshold for the "poverty line."
Nearly 10 million people fell below the poverty line at the start of the last decade.
The poverty line, incidentally, is drawn at about 1,255 afghanis per month, with regional variations.
Sarju and other paupers have been issued with “above the poverty line”, or APL, ration cards, entitling them to some subsidised kerosene.
Over half of rural households are under the poverty line and have great difficulty in access to food markets.
超过半数的农户生活在贫困线以下。 受到经济能力和交通的制约,他们很难接近粮食市场。
Some Chileans argue that the national poverty line, of $90 a month, is set too low.
Anyone who couldn't afford to buy those basics-including a helping of pease pudding with bacon on sunday-was below the poverty line.
The costs of chronic care can be catastrophic for patients as well as health systems, driving many millions of households below the poverty line each year.
The traditional Orshansky poverty line assumes that families need a set amount of money to meet their material needs.
The traditional Orshansky poverty line assumes that families need a set amount of money to meet their material needs.