Economic operation of power transformers and power lines mainly include economic operation, is a practical method of saving.
It is much more simple and practical than the traditional method and can be used widely in the test of idle power and efficiency, and in the research on energy saving of machine tools.
The method of Atomic Fluorescence Spectrum is with saving time and power, high accuracy in testing the content of As, Sb, Bi and Hg.
This method was been characterized by higher electrolysis efficiency, saving chemicals, lower power consumption, and enhancing gold recovery rate.
Compensation of wattless power is a kind of energy saving method in enterprise and design of architecture electric ensineering.
The method can achieve the goal of power saving is proved by the practical use in site.
The rate of power saving and payback period were calculated with the analytical method of month by month.
Under the condition of the adaptive load, we can achieve the controlling method of the engine power matching the load, which can be used as a method of energy-saving technology of hydraulic systems.
According to different requirements of people on the rate of power-saving, this paper has proposed an fuzzy control method to power-saving of lighting lamps, based on the power voltage changes.
Experimental result shows that the method makes the operating voltage of electric-light source maintained at the range required voltage level of power saving.
The invention also provides a method for saving the power consumption of a GPS system in the electronic device.
In this article, based on pump's similar theory, a calculation method of the pump power for the system is discussed and the impact of energy-saving effect of conversion factors is analyzed.
An adaptable method to improve fans in power plant for saving energy is presented.
The cotton bred by the method has high yield and quality, barren resistance, high stress resistance as well as time and power saving and is convenient for popularization and application.
该方法选育的棉花品种产量高、品质好、耐瘠薄、抗逆性强,而且省时、省工,便于推广应 用。
The cotton bred by the method has high yield and quality, barren resistance, high stress resistance as well as time and power saving and is convenient for popularization and application.
该方法选育的棉花品种产量高、品质好、耐瘠薄、抗逆性强,而且省时、省工,便于推广应 用。