Under various faults, the transfer power between the feeding region and the accepting region is increased continually, until the limitation of some device or system is reached.
The hydrogen power system consists of hydrogen feeding unit, fuel cells, power transformer and the control systems.
In order to realize a stabilization system, the response rate of the power amplifier feeding the stabilization coils must be fast enough.
Model NGF powder feeder with internal gate and leakproofness is a major pulverized coal feeding equipment in combustion system of power plant to feed coal into boiler continuously and evenly.
The basic principle of the system lies in feeding back the output power at the motor slip rings of an AC motor into the mains through a bridge rectifier and an inverter.
During the welding process, when underwater welding power outputs high level, the system stops feeding wires and wires burn upwards with forming molten droplets.
Through the test, we could conclude the rapeseed's distributing along the length of its rotor, the losses and the power wasting of this system in different cylinder rotational speed and cole feeding.
The hydraulic power is adapted to the working features of high-speed ammunition feeding system. It can be applied to the similar situations with lower power input and higher pulse power output.
The hydraulic power is adapted to the working features of high-speed ammunition feeding system. It can be applied to the similar situations with lower power input and higher pulse power output.