EPRI, which is funded by power companies, is looking at ways to protect the United States' power grid from lightning strikes.
In Boulder, Colo., a surge of electricity on the power grid can largely go unnoticed.
Most of those villages are remote and had relied on nearby forests as opposed to a power grid.
One solution is to rebuild the aging power grid to be less vulnerable to solar disruptions.
Jack has him spell out that the plan is to shut off the power grid for five minutes at 7:30 p. M.
The power grid is balkanized, with about 200, 000 miles of power lines divided among 500 owners.
电网的情况有点类似诸侯分据,200 000英里的输电线路上有500家业主。
If we can't cut the umbilical cord that ties us to the power grid, here's a way to at least make it look pretty.
Although he is now dead he was supposed to turn off the electricity in one section of the city's power grid.
That cold is putting fruit and vegetable crops at risk, and it's adding an extra strain on the state's power grid.
Converting solar energy beamed from space into electricity in a power grid, however, has not yet been demonstrated.
In many parts of Africa and Asia, however, there is no power grid, and those that do exist are highly unreliable.
The test berth is part of a massive effort to move wave energy out of the lab and onto the electrical power grid.
He even wondered if it might be possible to make computers for the poor in countries without an electric power grid.
The existing power grid has received a lot of attention because it loses some of the electricity that's pumped into it.
In 2007, Southern Power Grid only recorded 320 times in switch-offs, only equaling 0.18% of 180,000 switch-offs in 2003.
Where there is no public power grid, the PV systems currently operate cost-effectively, due to their low operating costs.
At the time, energy experts and politicians called the blackout a wake-up call about the country's antiquated power grid.
In 2007, Southern Power Grid only recorded 320 times in switch-offs, only equaling 0.18% of 180, 000 switch-offs in 2003.
THOMAS WITHERSPOON: "we take our radios to parts of the world that lack access to the Internet, to a national power grid of any sort."
While we won't be seeing a wireless power grid any time soon, the idea of beaming power on a smaller scale is rapidly gaining momentum.
This is tech-speak for an intelligent network paralleling the power grid, and for applications that then manage energy use in real time.
Soon to come are similar ways to enhance other utilities, such as the "cognitive power grid," and other devices, such as the cognitive car.
He says an extreme solar storm could fire a catastrophic electromagnetic pulse at Earth, crash the power grid, and thereby trigger anarchy.
Woodall envisions a new portable technology for regions that aren't connected to a power grid, such as villages in Africa and other remote areas.
Cui says the electrode is a first step toward a new type of low-cost battery suitable for storing large amounts of electricity within the power grid.
I feel delighted to address this forum on the due CSR (corporate social responsibility) of power grid enterprises as China's economy is being rebalanced.
Of course, this last step could be optional if your garage is equipped with the latest wireless battery charger connecting car and A.C. power grid automatically.
Of course, this last step could be optional if your garage is equipped with the latest wireless battery charger connecting car and A.C. power grid automatically.