Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.
Despite these finding, we are urged to support monopolistic power on the grounds that such power creates an environment supportive of innovation.
Solar homes produce the most power on the hot sunny afternoons when everyone rushes home to turn up the air conditioner.
China held a grand parade in Beijing to mark the defeat of Japan in World War Two, displaying its military power on an unprecedented scale.
These parameters are used to register or power on a VM after deployment.
WiFi on/off button and Power on/off button to save energy while not in use
WiFi 开/关按钮及电源 开/关 按钮,可在不使用时节能
If you have an iPhone or Android device, you've got a bit of fire power on you.
For example, the maximum power on a 60mm telescope (2.4 "aperture) is 142x."
What was intended to be another display of star power on a world stage ended in a flop.
Mini DisplayPort, USB, and SD card reader on the left side; USB and power on the right.
Such a cluster is used to improve the utilization of computing power on powerful servers.
Waves are the busiest sculptors of coastlines, unleashing their erosive power on the shore.
Perform POST (Power On Self Test) to identify the devices present and to report any problems.
Its success could depend on how well it's able to enter the market for storing power on the grid.
They can buy more access - elastically as they need it - to computing power on a cloud platform as they go.
Munich Re hopes that introducing solar power on a large scale will at least slow the process down a bit.
If there aren't as many steps in the process, you save CPU cycles and potentially battery power on devices.
During her reign, the longest in English history, Britain became a world power on which "the sun never set".
The virtual machine essentially becomes an appliance with three buttons: power on / off, suspend, and reset.
He first tried to use water currents hydro power on a small scale, but said the experiment became too expensive.
Certainly Oscar had a lot of family members to bestow that power on-all the residents of the third floor, in fact.
Customizing wireless security is extremely difficult, especially given the limited computing power on handheld devices.
Her arrival in Mr Stevens's place will not much change but should at least preserve the existing imbalance of power on the court.
Recognize the sorrow of leaving your old country. Accept the new country. Focus your power on getting through the transition.
Modify the example as necessary, then use it to power on an LPAR and attempt to network-boot it from a server in the network.
根据需求修改这个示例,然后在一个LPAR 上使用它,并尝试从网络中的服务器引导它。
First, you need to power on all virtual machines and do the basic configuration, such as specifying the hostname or IP address.
This functionality can provide massive processing power on demand — if you've written your application to take advantage of it.
The Mai-Mai Kifuafua, one of many local militias, flaunts its power on a road where it extorts money from villagers and travelers.
当地众多民兵武装之一Mai- MaiKifuafua,正在一条路上炫耀武力,借此向这里的村民和游客敲诈钱财。
The two new computers being introduced next month will power on almost instantly, said Pichai, and offer a much smoother experience.
The two new computers being introduced next month will power on almost instantly, said Pichai, and offer a much smoother experience.