Main breakers provide overcurrent protection and a single disconnect point for all power in a switchboard or device.
The emergency generator and switchboard can keep power supply in case of failure of main power supply.
We focus on wide range service such as design, produce and sell of boat main switchboard, ESB, monitoring system, sailing light board, power distribution switchboard, as well as yacht electric system.
High Voltage Transmission and Distribution, City Power Supply, Line Tower, Transformer Shell, High Voltage Switchboard and link system.
This paper expounds the ship power system and the function of main switchboard, and briefly introduces the use of virtual reality technology and software which the author used in this paper.
In order to avoid accident, don't touch the critical part of the equipment, including the power cord of the electric stove, the switchboard, the adjustment instrument and so on.
In order to avoid accident, don't touch the critical part of the equipment, including the power cord of the electric stove, the switchboard, the adjustment instrument and so on.