They can disable communications satellites and shut down power systems.
Without upgrades and new capacity, bridges, roads and power systems are unable to cope with expanding populations.
Examine roughing-in for electrical power systems to verify actual locations of wiring connections.
Auxiliary power systems failed.
In addition, solar flares can disrupt power systems.
Power Systems and AIX — The undisputed UNIX leader in 2010.
Gas and electric power systems may be damaged during an earthquake.
This overview displays server-level CPU utilization for all UPMC Power systems.
这个概况视图显示所有UPMC Power 系统的服务器级CPU利用率。
This program will focus on advancing SOFC power systems on high-performance liquid fuels.
The default build options, even on 64-bit POWER systems, are for old-style 32-bit applications.
Cross compilers are available for 32-bit PowerPC Linux systems and 64-bit Linux on POWER systems.
WE can let our AIX POWER systems automatically adjust memory allocation based on workload and demand.
Take the case of Husk Power Systems, formed in 2007 by three young Biharis and an American friend.
The HMC is a server machine that provides a graphical user interface tool to manage several POWER systems.
For AIX-based Power Systems servers, many software vendors base their licensing on processor core counts.
对于基于AIX的Power Systems服务器,许多软件供应商根据处理器核数来提供许可。
Linux operates well on POWER systems and works very nicely with other operating systems in a partitioned environment.
This article discussed how the concepts around cloud computing naturally lend themselves to AIX and Power Systems.
本文讨论了云计算的相关概念以及AIX和Power 系统为什么适合云计算环境。
Tepco said the reactors shut due to the loss of offsite power due to the malfunction of one of two off-site power systems.
Dear EarthTalk: I know of solar power systems that people can put on their roofs to generate electricity or heat water.
Then processing for launch can begin, including checkout of the power systems, communications systems and control systems. (NASA)
By using the energy produced to electrolyze water to generate hydrogen, BlackLight power systems can effectively use water as fuel.
IBM I 6.1, the latest version of the integrated operating system for Power Systems servers, became generally available in March 2008.
IBMi 6.1,是2008年3月份发布的Power服务器上集成的操作系统。
Because gas and electric power systems may be damaged during an earthquake, it's important to have food on hand that doesn't need refrigeration.
The IBM AIX V7.1 operating system builds on a solid heritage of supplying integrated, enterprise-class support for IBM Power Systems servers.
IBMAIXV7.1操作系统是在为 IBMPower Systems服务器提供综合企业级支持的技术基础上构建的。
But even with advances in power systems and improved lithium-ion batteries, their range on a single charge is limited-and recharging can take hours.
The reactor and its backup systems are designed to handle this type of accident by including backup power systems to keep the coolant pumps working.
Not according to one of the pioneers of fuel-cell technology, Ballard Power systems, a Canadian supplier of fuel-cell systems to a range of carmakers.
Around the world, electric power systems that have added significant amounts of renewable energy to the grid require both costly and creative solutions.
By contrast, photovoltaic solar power systems, mostly used on home rooftops, let light interact directly with semiconductor materials to generate power.
By contrast, photovoltaic solar power systems, mostly used on home rooftops, let light interact directly with semiconductor materials to generate power.