Meaning includes semantic meaning and pragmatic meaning.
As for it's pragmatic meaning, it could be forceful and penetrating.
The stative affix has unique pronunciation regulation and pragmatic meaning.
The complete meaning of semiotic consists of its existing meaning, pragmatic meaning and logical meaning.
The pragmatic meaning of a word is in its implied meaning, or the meaning that a speaker tries to convey.
It believes that the vocabulary vacancy is mainly the vacancy of indicating meaning and pragmatic meaning.
The pragmatic meaning is decided from the context by explaining the implied and suggested meaning of a discourse.
The pragmatic meaning of color words may be similar , different or be made cultural zero in the different languages.
The lexical meaning difference of the word "flat" between the two English dialects can effect a different pragmatic meaning.
The chapter four, researches on Symmetry Inscription pragmatic position moving phenomenon and analyzes its pragmatic meaning.
The ultimate aim of utterance comprehension is to identify the pragmatic meaning of utterance as well as its semantic meaning.
Because of different purposes, the speaker will choose different expressions, so the pragmatic meaning will change accordingly.
The translation of advertisement must be accurate and fluent. Accuracy in the translation of advertisement lies in its pragmatic meaning.
The relation between them results in the meaning of sign, which is also threefold: linguistic meaning, referential meaning and pragmatic meaning.
Pragmatic meaning and lexicographic meaning are related to each other at the deep level while contrasting with each other at the superficial level.
The subcategories of pragmatic meaning are: illocutionary force, implicate meaning, figurative meaning, reference, emotional tone, and perlocutionary effect.
Faithfulness is the first criterion: the target language equivalents must be faithful to the source language words in lexical, syntactic and pragmatic meaning.
The process of translating is that of decoding and encoding. What is conveyed in translation are referential meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning of the linguistic signs.
On the principle of sociosemiotics, a translation is not only to represent the designative meaning but also to transfer the pragmatic meaning so as to get the functional equivalence.
The utterance comprehension to identify the pragmatic meaning of utterance as well as its semantic meaning is the difficult points and weaknesses in college English listening teaching.
The semantic sequence of implication proposition of grammar in explaining pragmatic meaning is discussed. Reference for studying language knowledge and explaining its process is given.
Was the underlying pragmatic meaning consistent to the Canadian cultural model and what might that model be especially considering the multicultural composition of some Canadian classrooms?
The research on the topic of the Relevance Theory will lay a theoretical foundation for the further study on pragmatic inferences and the interpretation of pragmatic meaning of understatement.
To make the ends meet, the characteristics of Chinese brand names and cultural factors, including the designative meaning, the linguistic meaning and the pragmatic meaning, are better to be known.
The quest for a dream’s “true” meaning should thus be replaced by the search for a meaning that has a heuristic and pragmatic value.
Context is the most important concept in pragmatic study, and has great significance in deduction of discourse; it plays a vital role in understanding and expression of discourse meaning.
Chapter four illustrates that pragmatic translation following the principle of relevance can communicate the meaning of source language accurately and clearly to target readers.
The "pragmatic turn" in the philosophy of language has shaken the foundation for the traditional concept of "literal meaning."
The "pragmatic turn" in the philosophy of language has shaken the foundation for the traditional concept of "literal meaning."