With interrupts enabled, the pre-emptive scheduler periodically takes control to provide multitasking.
So I took pre-emptive action, composing on index cards a list of reasons why he and I should still hang out.
She said "all options are on the table, " hinting at a possible Israeli pre-emptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
Runs on commodity hardware supporting true language features such as classes, virtual methods, arrays and pre-emptive threads.
它可以运行在一般的硬件上,从而支持真正的语言特性,像类、虚拟方法、数组和先发线程(pre - emptive threads)等等。
If, say, an office rival seems poised to trash one of your absent allies, Dr. Hallett suggests you make a “pre-emptive positive evaluation.”
The speed with which electronic attacks could be launched gives little time for cool-headed reflection and favours (early, even pre-emptive, )attack.
The next day, he launched a pre-emptive strike against the bloated federal budget, noting that some recipients of federal farm subsidies are millionaires who no longer need relief.
The next day, he launched a pre-emptive strike against the bloated federal budget, noting that some recipients of federal farm subsidies are millionaires who no longer need relief.