In these days the pre-industrial city in America functioned as a complex and varied organizing element in American life, not as a simple, homogeneous, and static unit.
Angkor was the world's largest pre-industrial city, growing to an area of about 390 square miles.
A city of northwest Spain on the Bay of Biscay west of Santander. Of pre-Roman origin, it is a major port and industrial center. Population, 262,395.
A city of northwest Spain on the Bay of Biscay west of Santander. Of pre-Roman origin, it is a major port and industrial center. Population, 2 '2,395.
西班牙西北部一城市,位于比斯开湾沿岸,桑坦湾的西部,起源于前罗马,是一个主要的港口和工业中心。人口2' 2,395。
A city of northwest Spain on the Bay of Biscay west of Santander. Of pre-Roman origin, it is a major port and industrial center. Population, 2 '2,395.
西班牙西北部一城市,位于比斯开湾沿岸,桑坦湾的西部,起源于前罗马,是一个主要的港口和工业中心。人口2' 2,395。