What can be pre-installed and what needs to be configured at real time?
After you have developed and successfully tested an analysis engine, you can package it to be deployed to another application as a pre-configured (text) analysis component.
Like an appliance, the application and all prerequisite middleware and operating system software is all pre-installed and configured.
Having these common profiles pre-configured in the image again saves significant deployment time, compared to traditional deployment processes where profile creation is done later via scripting.
This is accomplished through “activation code” included within the image that reads input parameters, maps these parameters to different pre-configured profiles, and performs reconfiguration.
这是通过映像内包含的 “激活代码”实现的,它可以读取输入参数、将这些参数映射到不同的预配置的配置文件并进行重新配置。
To do this comparison, you choose one of the pre-configured functions.
To expand your repository of AMIs, you can use either pre-configured AMI templates, or create an AMI containing your applications, libraries, data, and associated Settings.
When new developers join a UCM project, for example, they are automatically given a workspace pre-configured with the right versions of the files and directories they need.
例如,当新的开发者加入到一个U CM项目时,他们自动地被给定一个预先配置好他们所需要的文件和目录的正确版本的工作空间。
The enablers for these virtualization characteristics include redundant virtual systems and virtual system deployment via pre-configured images.
It does the check by simply comparing the sending server's identity, after authentication, to a pre-configured list of trusted server's identities.
The services are pre-configured.
In this scenario, you will not use the embedded, pre-configured database in the WPSH.
If you use the pre-configured resources for MQ bindings, the above properties have to be set for the destinations.
This is done by creating pre-installed, pre-configured image templates that, with a small amount of customization, are quickly activated to create new running virtual images.
The goal is to have as much pre-installed and pre-configured as possible, while keeping the number of images to as few as possible.
Since the Universal services are pre-configured for a particular sample database, it is also necessary to adjust the services to fit the database details used in the scenario of this article.
In addition to installing the products, the image includes pre-configured WebSphere Application Server parts for the deployment manager, custom node, standalone node, job manager, and so on.
TM1 Web 9.5 installs a complete and pre-configured IIS Virtual Directory that can be accessed by opening IIS and browsing your Web Sites and Virtual Directories.
TM 1Web 9.5将安装完整的、预先配置的IIS虚拟目录,可通过启动IIS并浏览您的Web站点和虚拟目录来访问。
Many systems are sold with the Acrobat software pre-loaded, and most browsers are configured to load it, so it's likely that your computer already knows how to display the document.
Central to this system is a catalog of enterprise Linux or Windows images that are pre-configured with IBM software.
This cloud platform provides access to a variety of Linux and Windows server images that are pre-configured with IBM software.
Its constructor takes two arguments: initialization properties and a pre-configured logger instance. Properties object contains the following.
The main elements include a pre-installed and pre-configured image, image-specific tuning, and fast deploy-time activation capabilities, as shown in Figure 1.
主要成分包括预安装、预配置的映像、特定于映像的调优以及快速的部署时激活功能,如图 1 所示。
You learn to copy your own standardized installation of WebSphere portal and use it as a template to mass-produce additional pre-installed and pre-configured portals.
The new Unit Test feature comes packaged with a pre-configured set of IBM software entitled for development usage specifically in that environment, including.
Option 2 (recommended) : Import the pre-configured Universal Services data development project.
In contrast, the virtual image includes a pre-installed and pre-configured operating system and WebSphere Application Server.
Select Use pre-configured messaging provider resources under End-point configuration, then enter JNDI names for connection factory, send destination and receive destination
This list is compared through a pre-configured policy to a list of legal and illegal applications.
It can gather news from a variety of pre-configured and categorized sources, and you can also add your own RSS feeds.