The fate of a quarter of a million civilians trapped in a Tiger-controlled pocket of territory remains precarious and unknown.
Washington struck me as a precarious place from which to publish such a cerebral newspaper.
He earned a precarious living as an artist.
Viewed from another perspective, tuberculosis has again placed the world in a precarious situation.
The most beautiful place on earth was everywhere - a raft in the wilderness of space, precarious, unlikely, our polar bear home.
Britain's precarious fiscal position will make a difference; voters may be less inclined to back expensive military adventures as state expenditure at home is cut, as it soon must be.
Kayak, a leader in the travel search space, had been on file for 301 days – a precarious position for any company.
At first, we started down a precarious path of putting "if... else" statements into our JSP.
起先,我们将“if…else”语句放入我们的JS p中,沿着一条不确定的路径开始。
"There's this history of a precarious existence not just for our species but for our ancestors," says co-author Lynn Jorde, a human geneticist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.
“这段岌岌可危的生存史,不仅关系到我们这个物种,也关系到我们的祖先,”参与研究的Lynn Jorde说道,她是盐湖城犹他大学的人类遗传学家。
A precarious future for the country, but its politicians are self-absorbed.
But even then, she cautions that you're walking a precarious line.
This morning I simply dived into deep water off the rocks nearest to the house, where they descend almost sheer, yet with folds and ledges enough to make a precarious stairway.
This morning I simply dived into deep water off the rocks nearest to the house, where they descend almost sheer, yet with folds and ledges enough to make a precarious stairway.
It's the briny broth of our origins, the pounding circulatory system of the world, a precarious molecular edge on which we survive.
International relations expert Soli Ozel of Istanbul's Bilgi University said this has put Turkey in a precarious position.
Your own plan is to switch industries and continents from a precarious position on the dole.
But given Japan's precarious public finances, a bigger question is: can the recovery be sustained?
Taking proactive steps toward finding a new job, for example, can help you feel more in control of a precarious work situation, and can open up new opportunities, which minimizes stress.
比如 当您处于摇摆不定的工作状态下 您可以提前寻找一份更加有把握的新工作,这样可以帮助您开发新的机会,最终可以减小您的压力。
Given the precarious nature of GE Capital's funding structure, GE should have been alert to the risk of a complete dislocation in financial markets.
The investigation comes at a precarious time for the IPCC and for advocates of tough measures to curb greenhouse-gas emissions.
Some words of wisdom to soccer players this week who find themselves in the precarious position of needing to make a penalty kick: Shoot high and aim right.
“We discovered that over a ten-year period boys’ voices were breaking around four months earlier, ” Juul says, surrounded by precarious stacks of research papers and medical journals in his office.
Americans might well see this as an attack on their historical right to own a home no matter how precarious their finances.
Mr Tremonti has become a sort of guarantor for the markets that his unpredictable boss will not rock Italy's precarious boat.
And face it, no matter how fearless you are working perched at precarious heights, the fewer trips up and down a ladder, the safer you'll be.
And face it, no matter how fearless you are working perched at precarious heights, the fewer trips up and down a ladder, the safer you'll be.