For a more precise search, consider adding some of these parameters to your search query.
With CRM technology, marketers can sift through databases using precise search tools to get the information they need.
There are three main characters about information: precise, fresh, comprehensive, but all these can't be ensured in current search engine.
Thus, search engines become more effective than they are now, and users can find the precise information they are hunting.
Elaborate search facilities so you can specify the precise scope of the search.
The key here is the freeform phrase input that enables you to support phrases, words, and unlimited combinations of those words and phrases together to make the search as precise as possible.
Search and rescue efforts have also been complicated by uncertainty about the precise time the jet went down.
By making full use of the semantics embedded in the underlying data, semantic search promises to provide the users with precise answers, rather than documents which only contain the typed keywords.
This search engine can greatly improve the precision of searching and provide users more precise personalized results. It can make Internet information retrieval more convenient and accurate.
This facilitates more precise declarations of content and more meaningful search results across multiple platforms.
Use the dictionary or thesaurus to look up a word you've just typed to check its meaning or search for a more precise alternative.
Use the dictionary or thesaurus to look up a word you've just typed to check its meaning or search for a more precise alternative.