Not Using Precompiled Headers.
Click the Precompiled Headers node.
Compiler option generated automatic precompiled headers support.
You can use it to reduce the amount of disk space used by precompiled headers.
The following sections explain the consistency requirements for precompiled headers.
A scaling factor that determines the amount of memory that the compiler USES to construct precompiled headers.
If this amount is greater than the size of your precompiled headers, Edit and Continue should have no problem.
Precompiled headers are a performance feature that certain compilers, such as cl in Visual Studio, provide to help speed up compilation.
Loading precompiled headers requires allocation of physical memory, which can be a problem if you are compiling on a computer with limited RAM.
If you use the precompiled headers options, debugging information for both the precompiled header and the rest of the source code is placed in the PDB.
如果使用预编译头选项,则预编译头和其他源代码的调试信息都放在PD b中。
This requires precompiled headers to be disabled for this source file, otherwise the compiler USES the precompiled header that includes the wrong macro expansion.
Currently, the compiler dynamically grows the heaps as necessary up to a total heap size limit, and requires a fixed-size buffer only to construct precompiled headers.
The "Generated Classes" page lets you tweak the names of your project files, choose the base class, add a default application icon or choose to use precompiled headers.
If the amount is less than the size of your precompiled headers, you can prevent Edit and Continue from loading precompiled headers in the background by clearing this option.
If the amount is less than the size of your precompiled headers, you can prevent Edit and Continue from loading precompiled headers in the background by clearing this option.