Trying to predict the future of open source software is difficult — kind of like taming the weather on Earth.
Because mashup pages can also be used as sources for subsequent mashups, it is difficult to predict exactly how mashup artifacts, pages, and data sources will be used in the future.
The cause is that is very difficult to predict the stock market future cash dividends and to choice the riskless interest rate reasonably.
Staff also said that at present, has little effect on exports is difficult to predict the future.
Part of the problem is that the substrate changes over time. No matter what we do at one point in time, it is difficult to predict the future.
Patients often in real life or worry too much about certain issues, but also on possible future, it is difficult to predict some of the dangers to worry about trouble.
Patients often in real life or worry too much about certain issues, but also on possible future, it is difficult to predict some of the dangers to worry about trouble.