All this presupposes one essential detail, says Atholl Anderson, professor of prehistory at the Australian National University: the Lapita had mastered the advanced art of sailing against the wind.
Prehistory was strongly patriarchal.
The prehistory of languages need not detain us.
Highly attuned to the etymological prehistory of the English word infant.
Covers history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present.
Collection includes prehistory stone sculpture numismatics textile and ceramics.
The spiritual connections with doll-like figures reach well back into Japan’s prehistory.
The most of crown forms wear by the prehistory jade figures in China are rail crown.
Some ballads go back to prehistory, while others record real events, people and places.
Archaeological finds in the past few decades have almost completely rewritten Chinese prehistory.
Egypt, with one foot in prehistory, looked over the horizon to the place where the setting sun vanished.
Xinjiang s prehistory age archaeology research work have got a lot of archaeological achievements.
The definition of prehistory is that it predates written records - history begins with the written word.
The exhibitions in the new museum building will contain a series of unique finds from Danish prehistory.
Historical profile from prehistory through revival. Contains glossary, links and a comprehensive bibliography.
The goat belonged to a breed now found only in Laos, suggesting today's breeds crowded out others popular in prehistory.
Of course permanency has been a problem for artists since the first prehistory artist scratched into a chalk wall in a French cave.
Since the discovery of Beijing Man in the 1920s, China's prehistory has been pushed back several times with new archeological finds.
Some textbooks start with prehistory, others with the Roman conquest, others still with Clovis, Charlemagne or Hugh Capet (all mentioned below).
However Qingdun site is the earliest discovery and it can reflect essential characteristics of the prehistory culture in eastern Jianghuai area.
But we are accustomed to think of our civilisation as perpetual, despite all of the history and prehistory that tells us that societies are fragile.
Luca Bondioli of the National Museum of Prehistory and Ethnology in Rome and his colleagues described the results of their study in the journal Antiquity.
The oldest known version of the cross, dating back to prehistory and found all over the world, including among the Native Americans, is the swastika5 .
Thanks to modern techniques for decoding genetic evidence, far more is known today about the great movements of prehistory than was suspected even a decade ago.
由于现代技术对基因证据的解码,今天人们对史前时代( prehistory)伟大(迁徙)运动(great movements)的了解甚至比十年前其受质疑时还要多。
Greeks and Roman myths focus overwhelmingly on this life; Egypt, with one foot in prehistory, looked over the horizon to the place where the setting sun vanished.
The accomplishment of the manuscript of Chinese history: Remote Antiquity created the condition for Su Bingqi bringing forward rebuilding Chinese prehistory.
The accomplishment of the manuscript of Chinese history: Remote Antiquity created the condition for Su Bingqi bringing forward rebuilding Chinese prehistory.