Call Stream British Telecom's premium rate service.
Adjust premium rate in accordance with article41of this law.
The premium vanes with the premium rate for risks to be covered.
The premium rate of disproportional reinsurance by bilateral party agreed.
Moreover, the premium rate can be reduced by expanding the insurance coverage.
Either set the auto calculated premium checkbox or remove the premium rate code.
Please enter an absorbing premium rate code or a non-absorbing premium rate code.
The premium is calculated according to the premium rate or rates for risks to be covered.
By the analyse of behaviour risk, insurer can manage risk better and adjust the premium rate.
From January 1 2003, China began to carry out new management system of motor vehicle insurance clauses and premium rate.
All market bodies take the premium rate as an important tool of market competition according to the needs of market competition.
Therefore reasonable pricing deposit insurance premium rate of our country become whole deposit insurance system construction of core.
According to our research, there are different risk regions in Yunnan province, and different risk region should use different premium rate.
The article was accompanied with a premium rate phone-in poll encouraging readers to express their views on whether Diana was pregnant when she died.
Overtime shall be voluntary, shall not exceed 12 hours per week, shall not be demanded on a regular basis and shall always be compensated at a premium rate.
Results The procedure and method of calculating level premium rate in whole life hospital daily allowance insurance and hospital expense insurance are provided.
Results The procedure and method of calculating level premium rate in whole life hospital daily allowance insurance and hospital expense insurance are provided. Conclusion...
To the convertible rate, the important attribute, this paper establishes the decision model and stresses the relation between the convertible rate and the convertible premium rate.
Results The procedure and method of calculating level premium rate in whole life hospital daily allowance insurance and hospital expense insurance are provided. Conclusion The c...
Nowadays, all articles which apply the utility theory to determine the premium rates give priority to the fully insured and full payment in order to get the price range of premium rate.
The 9 per cent interest rate, which is line with that paid by UBS in its recent issue, represents a 5 percentage point after tax premium to its dividend.
The interest rate premium Athens pays over benchmark German bonds rose to more than 4 percentage points, its highest level since Greece joined the eurozone.
“The fact that the long-term rate has generally been flat for the last 18 months suggests the risk premium is rising on questions of the sustainability of Japan’s public debt, ” he says.
The fast-increasing rate and scope of change in the global business environment puts a premium on organizational structures that can respond quickly to change.
The fast-increasing rate and scope of change in the global business environment puts a premium on organizational structures that can respond quickly to change.