Over the years he's demonstrated a certain prescience in foreign affairs.
With none of the prescience of oncoming dreams.
But what looked like ignorance then looks like prescience now.
Knowledge or awareness of something before its existence or occurrence; prescience.
I have told him enough times that I will not use my prescience to predict the moment of my exit from this ancient form.
In a remarkable display of prescience, Jack Hills, while at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, had predicted just such a phenomenon.
The book was written while Barack Obama's career was still on the launch pad, yet it describes with uncanny prescience the atmosphere that allowed him to soar.
While most of what Trelawney teaches seems to be just "lucky guesswork and a spooky manner," as Harry thinks (GF13), there are instances of actual prescience and prediction in the books.
Darwin's intellect, humility (" it is always advisable to perceive clearly our ignorance ") and prescience astonish more as scientists clarify, in detail he never imagined, how much he got right.
Ms Rice says in “No Higher Honour” (to be published next week) that she saw the need for more planning for the invasion's aftermath, but was blocked by the absence of prescience in those around her.
Ms Rice says in “No Higher Honour” (to be published next week) that she saw the need for more planning for the invasion's aftermath, but was blocked by the absence of prescience in those around her.