This is a prescribed course which spreads over two semesters.
Watched by chaperones, you read prescribed course books, take notes, then sit a test after each chapter.
Both time and obedience play a part, as competitors are penalised if a sheep strays from the prescribed course.
Besides the prescribed courses in my major, I elected 6 computer courses and attended a 100hour English training course.
Conducts tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university. Registration or licensing may be required.
That is one reason why volunteers like Ros are so important, as they explain to their fellow villagers the importance of completing the prescribed course with an ACT.
Antimicrobial resistance is facilitated by the inappropriate use of medicines, for example, when taking substandard doses or not finishing a prescribed course of treatment.
The danger of prescribing a course of compulsory studies is that it implies that a man who has gone through the prescribed course ipso facto knows all there is to know for an educated man.
For example, when patients do not take the full course of a prescribed antimicrobial or when poor quality antimicrobials are used, resistant microorganisms can emerge and spread.
Investigative experiment is an important litigant measure prescribed in criminal procedure law, and plays a special role in the whole course of criminal justice.
Investigative experiment is an important litigant measure prescribed in criminal procedure law, and plays a special role in the whole course of criminal justice.