Today cards are often given with a present, even when people can express their wishes face to face. In recent times e-cards have also become popular.
For a few years its luminosity flared up to about 10,000 times the present-day luminosity of the Sun.
We are in times of difficulty at present.
And we are not just broke once. We are broke about six times over in present value.
But in the present times, through the greater part of Europe, a creditable day-labourer would be ashamed to appear in public without a linen shirt.
Preserving cash in such formidable times will present managers with an unprecedented test of their skills.
Caligula’s love for his horse, Incitatus, was well known in his time and in present times, but the modern love of a good myth has promoted the horse to a far greater position than in reality.
In the example (see Listing 15), the parent element PellAwardResponseType has a child element called FSACode, which should be present zero to three times.
Of more than 5,000 accredited organisations, 4,193 were from South America, roughly ten times the number of African outfits present.
Virtually everyone agrees that the Fund should be given much greater resources than at present - two times?
These stages are present at different times and each person has their own way of reacting in the stages of culture shock.
For larger data sources however, this may present longer wait times for report output and may not be an optimal solution.
Although early submarines were less-than-seaworthy, their progression through present times has been remarkable.
Now, however, in bleaker times, he hopes to present a very different face to the electorate, and one that will win back disgruntled Labour voters.
Finally, it would present all of the results with appropriate times, allowing me to easily compare the results of all the libraries against each other.
At the time, American males smoked around 150 large cigars every year, three times more than at present.
In such a growth environment, the average income in the next generation would be more than six times larger than that in the present generation.
Megrahi vowed in an interview with the Times newspaper yesterday that he would present new evidence before he died exonerating him of any involvement in Lockerbie.
This group will meet several times during the coming year and will present the framework during the 2011 Defense Consultative Talks.
You may also opt for designer fashion jewelry which are cost effective and much appreciated in present times.
Figures 3 and 4 present the results for access times on my usual desktop configuration, for two different sizes of integers.
The Swiss researchers reported that a person repeatedly touching thermal printer paper for 10 hours a day could be exposed to 42 times the present tolerable daily exposure.
Dr Wardle and his colleagues found that the technique would make aerospace parts ten times stronger than at present.
Even so, he says he would not deal: “I will just have to present the same bill many times to get it approved.”
Many of us don't have the benefit of co-location, where the entire team works in close proximity (ideally in the same room), with the user representative present at all times to answer questions.
我们许多人并没有同地协作(co -location)的优势。同地协作要求整个开发团队紧密地工作在一起(理想情况在同一房间中),而且要求用户代表一直在场以回答团队的问题。
The oil’s net present value is over four times greater than the market price of the European carbon credits Mr Correa hoped to obtain.
In many cases, I was shuttled back and forth in the past and present times there is no strict boundaries, memory and reality blend of fish and water.
In many cases, I was shuttled back and forth in the past and present times there is no strict boundaries, memory and reality blend of fish and water.