My present address is 96, Wenfeng Road, Zhicheng, Hubei Province.
If you don't like your present address change it - you're not a tree!
如果你不喜欢你现在的地点,改变它- - -你不是一颗树!
Huang Ying: My present address is apt. 11, No 13 Yuhua Road, Shijiazhuang.
My present address is No. 21 South Zhongshan Road, Apt. 19, Shanghai. The post code is 220150.
Furthermore, should there be any change of your present address, please notify us immediately so to make the appropriate adjustment.
This essay will present the following problems and state my opinions on how to address them.
Failure to address comprehensively the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, however, exposes all generations, present and future, to incalculable risks.
They will be required to address the more systematic security concerns of enterprise customers as well as the more complex identity management scenarios that enterprises present.
Listing 12 presents an interesting example of retrieving the addresses because it returns the address information from both instances, but the results present different structures.
This paper does not address the challenges that iterative system development projects present to testers.
To present your suggested solutions, you may organize them according to what operational level they address, or in a fashion that aligns with the client's way of organizing their issues.
You probably have noticed that the 4GB address space present in Figure 9 does not include any kernel memory.
You can see from Listing 8 that most of the logic is simply handling cases where the full name or E-mail address isn't present in the database (such as for the Admin account on my wiki).
We will take a look at some of the challenges of organizational change, introduce ways to address some of these issues through the Kotter framework, and present the supporting DOT Framework.
For the present, safety systems such as PTC will not be sufficiently capable in most cases to address this type of hazard.
A: We need to improve how scientists present results, how journalists address the public and how the public assesses what scientists tell them.
SOA allows a company to address business and IT challenges efficiently, yielding an organization that can face the present as well as the future.
This can cause problems for those users with unconventional or new postal addresses because no list is returned for their postcode, or their particular address is not present in the list.
In addition to general scale-down principles and parameters, the authors address specific problems and present some examples.
I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our Nation impels.
Which ones are most significant given neighborhoods and project goals? Which ones present the best opportunities to address within the project?
The question of IP address management is one of quite thorny questions which network administrative personnel have been facing with present.
Dr. Jan Schouten, founder of Schouten & Nelissen Group and the Board of Directors of Schouten China will be present at the ceremony and address the audience.
But, present a few compatible nets get stuck, its MAC address can use a net to block configuration program to undertake modification.
Please provide a correspondence address, if it is not the same as your Present Permanent Residential Address.
On the basis of these thoughts and facts, the present author intends this thesis as an attempt to address the problems posed by cultural differences in translation between Chinese and English.
On the basis of these thoughts and facts, the present author intends this thesis as an attempt to address the problems posed by cultural differences in translation between Chinese and English.