It is now up to all of us to debate this issue and press home the argument.
He is anxious to press home military gains from a surge of American troops last year into southern Afghanistan.
Mr Fini did not need to press home his advantage to spell out that the PdL can no longer count on winning a majority.
The bank is expecting net trade to bolster the recovery, as exporters press home their gains in competitiveness once foreign markets recover.
City officials are not willing to comment on the approach at this time, but it is believed Clichy's transfer will be wrapped up before they press home the Nasri deal.
The Sun in 2005 became an insert inside The Las Vegas Review-Journal; The Detroit Free Press recently halted home delivery four days of the week and prints an abbreviated edition on those days.
On Friday, the Associated Press reported that Yao had arrived back in his home country to consult with the nation's top experts.
The lovable Miss Ellie, whose lopsided tongue always stuck out of the side of her mouth, died on Tuesday in her Tennessee home, the local Mountain Press daily newspaper said.
She spent a week in seclusion before the big day, emerging from the Truman home only a handful of times, including once to partake in a small press conference.
The grandmother is harassed by the press outside her home for information about her wanted grandson, with the reporters even trying to follow her on to a public bus.
Recently one of my clients was in a terrible mood, so rather than press my point, I took a 10-minute break to show her pictures of a friend’s home that I knew she would love.
I have just brewed 24 bottles of home-made cider, and by the time I had bought the bottles and the stoppers and the yeast and the press and the alembicks, it was the most expensive cider ever made.
Recently one of my clients was in a terrible mood, so rather than press my point, I took a 10-minute break to show her pictures of a friend's home that I knew she would love.
He told the magazine that the home button of the prototype was not a physical press button.
The lovable Miss Ellie, whose lopsided tongue always stuck out of the side of her mouth, died on Tuesday in her Tennessee home, the local Mountain Press daily newspaper said。
据当地媒体《山区每日新闻报》报道,可爱的艾莉于本周二在田纳西家中去世。 艾莉总是喜欢歪吐着舌头。
Legal aid for privacy and libel suits is provided in France (home to some of the world's toughest press laws) : is that really what British editors want?
When I upgraded my home laptop, I went for one that still had XP because I'd heard all the negative press - without ever trying Vista myself.
It then prompts you to "hold home + power" (meaning, press both buttons at the same time).
"I am under no pressure at all, I just feel at home," said the 47-year-old former Olympic champion at a press conference on Tuesday.
Get the hell out of foreign entanglements, bring the troops home, tell Israel and the neo-con press to go to hell, and think of what the country can do for its own people for a change.
That is partly why, despite the widespread press coverage, the number of companies with work-at-home programs or policy guidelines remains small.
Schilling told NBC's Meet the Press that many newly-elected Republicans will think twice about angering voters back in their home districts who expect deep cuts in federal spending.
At Adams' home, Smokey "reached an extraordinary 73 decibels — 16 times louder than the average cat," according to a Northampton College press release.
On July 20, 2011, Yao will likely announce his retirement from basketball at a press conference in Shanghai, his home town.
But the Street reports a more recent press release suggests the company has rolled back its ambitious plans to produce a mere 100 E6 vehicles in the company's home town of Shenzhen.
According to statistics, 335 journalists from 95 Press from home and abroad participated in the Fair at our invitation.
I tell you, if the viewer finds it hard to explore the home page then they will just press Alt + F4 or Ctrl + t.
我告诉你,假如游览者觉得首页游览起来不轻易,那么他们就会按alt +f 4或ctrl +t。
Press and drag it right onto your home screen to use it when you're looking for a restaurant, shoe store, movie theater or any other type of local business.
Press and drag it right onto your home screen to use it when you're looking for a restaurant, shoe store, movie theater or any other type of local business.