Yet Greece's would-be rescuers may feel they have little choice but to press on with the bail-out.
The group will continue to press on with its cost savings, productivity and yield management programmes.
Iran insists it only wants nuclear power for peaceful purposes and has pledged to press on with the programme.
Despite the upbeat outlook for Asia, Bisignani warned the region to press on with liberalisation or miss its growth potential.
We need to press on with battery research for plug-in and hybrid vehicles, and expand the use of clean diesel vehicles and biodiesel fuel.
We should press on with the building of the interest rate risk management system with reference to the key principle on it in Basel Agreement.
Though those with access to corporate lawyers might want to investigate further, this information seems to give enough encouragement to press on with implementation.
Sir Alex admitted recently that Evra was keen to press on with the matter after claiming a racial term of abuse was used by the Uruguayan as they clashed on the field.
Let us thank Him for both, let us take the weights as well as the wings, and thus divinely impelled, let us press on with faith and patience in our high and heavenly calling.
The new generation of planes are significantly cheaper to run than those currently flying, so a harsh economic climate may in fact encourage airlines to press on with renewing their fleets.
Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioral ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft's default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.
He and his press assistant sat in on the 30-minute CNN meeting. Some of the time, we were alone with her.
Summing up the contest results, the World Press Photo publishes a gorgeous catalogue of winning photos, with the photo of the year on the front cover.
The detection systemcould not press or squeeze the egg like the graders did, but what would happenif they could pull on the egg with a slight negative pressure, or vacuum?
A producer will also be in charge of the press and will spend a good deal of time on the phone coordinating with the press regarding the movie.
The wrangle with Mr Costello followed a press revelation on July 9th about a private meeting between the pair in late 1994.
Tell the media - with a press release or full-scale pr campaign (depending on the changes you made, of course).
Tell the media -with a press release or full-scale pr campaign (depending on the changes you made, of course).
But the appeal had generally fallen on deaf ears, despite broad press coverage and correspondence with Member Nations and financial institutions.
When he reached our headquarters, Simon Rosenberg, my young press aide, scheduled him for an interview on a Boston radio station with a large New Hampshire audience.
A couple of days later, I was on a plane to California, with Bruce Lindsey and my press secretary, Mike Gauldin.
But Rice is signaling impatience with a lack of action on such promises, and is making clear her intention to press the matter at the Kuwait conference.
As for dealing with duplicate content when your press release is published on your own site as well as on the wire service, it's a pretty common situation.
You can obtain more information about any of the views with the context-sensitive help; click on the title of the view and press F1.
You can obtain more information about any of the views with the context-sensitive help: click on the title of the view and press F1.
The new well will be used to fill the old one with heavy drilling mud that will press down on the reservoir below, stopping more oil from escaping.
On Friday, the Associated Press reported that Yao had arrived back in his home country to consult with the nation's top experts.
On Friday, the Associated Press reported that Yao had arrived back in his home country to consult with the nation's top experts.