The hands dip in with shoulder's apart, then they press out slightly, come back in under the neck.
Press out ginger juice (see below); whisk in soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, cornstarch, 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper, and 1 cup water; set sauce aside.
Press out the liquid at this time to overcome the pressure out of pipeline systems with all the necessary resistance to the pressure from the pump discharge.
Minor wear and tear in the journal, simply press out the old bushings with new bushings, and revised from time-axis in general, it can get back to the gap with the extent permitted.
There is a general view around that he has been hounded out of office by the press.
The press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.
The next day, Fox issued a press release saying the show had sold out in 24 hours.
As a politician Jefferson frequently lashed out at the press.
No telltale suspicious numbers, no chance of getting caught out by the old "press redial" routine.
He should press American Allies to lay out similar principles when the Group of 8 industrialized nations meets this month in France and back them up with clear offers of support.
Distribute flies, pass out brochures or issue press releases will also help to create a company image.
And they're reading your press articles and thinking, "they have everything figured out." you don't.
The coalition put out a press release which referred to the firefight and the air support and then failed entirely to record that they had just killed or wounded 11 police officers.
Press the “Clean” button and the robot glides out of its docking station and sets off across the floor.
In September the Oxford University Press brought out the first isiZulu-English dictionary in more than 40 years.
The team “sought out press coverage very carefully,” says Cotlear.
The success of these clothes caught the attention of the fashion press prompting Kors to strike out on his own.
The book — my publisher Princeton University Press wants to get it out before this crisis is over.
Zhang pointed out that the press and media are playing an important role in advancing China-Latin America friendly cooperation and deepening mutual understanding and friendship between both peoples.
To be able to command burned-out press and buyers to your studio at 9 p.m. on the final day of a four-week fashion marathon, you have to have pulling power.
Our children fought to press the button that sent the "dinette" sliding out sideways, creating an extra "room" while parked.
De Mello's unit regularly engages in battles with heavily armed drug traffickers and its officers are often pictured in the local press dragging bodies out of the favelas in bloodied duvets.
Turn the dough out and press it down with your fist. It is now ready to roll out and cover with your toppings.
Mice were trained to push levers to get either of two rewards. Press one lever, out comes a drop of sugar water.
Minute 1 - Chest - Get onto the bench press or similar machine and crank out a set.
He is expected to press Israel not to carry out its threat to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.
He is expected to press Israel not to carry out its threat to attack Iran's nuclear facilities.